Thursday, June 30, 2022

later and later

It seems I am doing my blog later and later 

    It's getting close to midnight, and I am just starting.  Holy crap.

    This morning was a fun time.  Someone missed the chair on her way from the bed.   We have to work on that. No bruises, just a pain in the back to get her up again.   Luckily Julia was here.

    Went to Headon's and spent a lot of money!  Luckily I had a Kiwanis Club raffle ticket that had a 10 percent off coupon, so I also saved a lot of money.

    Our Swissy visitors were impressed with the meat selection.  Tonight Matt cooked some steaks for us and after supper  I dashed off to rehearsal.  When I got home, Nam had done all the dishes. 

    I told them they could stay an extra month.

    Tomorrow they are headed for a Cubs game........I was supposed to explain the game  to Nam but never got around to it.  I hope they have a great time...should be nice weather.  Julia is taking them out for pizza after the game.  

    I stumbled through the second act at rehearsal.  I am close on some parts, and pretty far away on others.  I hope to be right on top of things when we rehearse next.  I put a lot of pressure on myself, and that is not always good.

    I went to see a guy about finding a handicap friendly car for us, but he has been in the hospital for 2 days.  That's what happens when you procrastinate.

    I seem to have been busy the past few days.  I have not read the Tribune since Tuesday, which is unusual for me.  Hopefully I can get the house clean and spend some time catching up on the news tomorrow.

    We also Facetimed Jackie's brother in Florida.  I think our temperature was about the same as his today.  It takes several attempts because I have not figured out how to do that.  I think I ended the call three times before I realized I was disconnecting.  But we eventually talked.

    Such is my life.

Peace and Love

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