Saturday, June 18, 2022

oh boy

 Another day gone 

    I got up rather late today, so I did not get as much done as I wanted.

    I  did get the yard mowed and most of the veggie garden weeded.  I also helped Emily put together an Ikea cabinet or two.

    But I did not finish the veggie garden and I did not put up a tent.

    A tent, you ask?

    I have a tent I want to sell, but I want to put it up first to make sure it is still ok.  It sleeps 6, I think, and you can stand up in the middle.

    It's a nice tent....but I don't think I will be using it again.

    So..$50 and it can be yours!

    Tomorrow I plan to put that up, finish weeding the garden and finish mulching....but that is a loose agenda as I am helping a friend with a project in the morning.

    Which means I have to get up before 10.

    I was weeding my veggies today and evidently I bought some form of bush tomato.  I can't find main stems!  They are weird looking, to say the least.  I may see if there are still some plants around and put in new ones.  I also need a cage or two.

    I only have a couple of days before the heat hits again....really looking forward to the middle of next week when the temps near triple digits.

    Just hope we don't lose power again.

Peace and Love

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