Tuesday, June 28, 2022

uh oh

I tried to clean the rest of the garage today

    No easy task.

    I got it partially clean.  I discovered I have three areas to target for a deeper cleaning and a get rid of session.

    I have two spinning yard decorations in the garage.  Let me clarify:  2 broken spinning yard decorations.  I think I can fix them.  Then again, maybe I would be wasting my time and I should just toss them.

    I have 3 boxes of wood to burn at a bonfire.  We have been here 10 years and I have never burned a single piece.

    Then there are the tools.  Do I really need 4 leaf rakes?  And how many spades do I need to dig a hole?  I think I have 5!  I have a  battery operated  grass trimmer, battery operated hedge trimmers and a new system that makes the old ones obsolete to me.

    When was the last time I used my lawn roller or the core aerator?  I don't even remember!

    And despite the 7 5 gallon plastic buckets I have, I can never find an empty bucket!   They are filled with weeds, dirt, rocks, panting containers......and who knows what else.

    That's the problem when you have a hoarding gene.  I think I do.  I just can't seem to get rid of stuff.

    Part of that is my feeling that someone can use it or it should be recycled.

    But how do you recycle a fire extinguisher?  The fire department won't take them and I can't find a recycling program that will.  I guess I could box it up and mail it back to the manufacturer, and it may come to that.   It is 20 years old, not sure if it even would work.

    I tell Jackie often it is so frustrating being me.  I wish I was organized.  And that's a refrain you will hear often from me.

Peace and Love

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