Saturday, June 11, 2022


 Winter winds blow cold in Illinois

    Our second house, while new, had one major flaw.

    The patio doors let in a lot of air.  Even when closed.

    On windy days you could see the drapes move.  

    I should have complained, but I did not.  I don't know why.

    During the winter the breeze was cold.  Very cold.

    So I took to covering the patio door with plastic.  That really helped a lot.

    However, in mid January one year, when the temperature was -48 degrees and the wind was howling at 90 mph, the plastic came loose and the cold was coming into the house.

    Normally I would staple the plastic to the exterior frame, but when I went out there I found the wind had ripped a corner off.

    No problemo!  Duct tape to the rescue.

    I went back outside, duct tape and scissors in hand.

    But I discovered I could not hold the plastic down and manipulate the tape.

    I could have asked someone to help, but it was least -96, and I did not want to cause them any inconvenience.

    I struggled with the tape, the blowing plastic, the scissors in my ungloved hand because I could not work the scissors with gloves on.

    By now the temperature had dropped to -140 and I swear I saw penguins in the back yard.

    The wind was howling, my hands and face were freezing, I could not get everything in the right spot.

    So, I cut off a piece of duct tape and put it on my lower lip.  I could then kneel down, hold the plastic with one hand, and grab the tape with the other.

    Sure, it stung a little but my plan worked.  I was able to tape the plastic to the house.

    But it was cold out there.  The wind chill must have been in triple digits -168.... and it went right to my bones.

    I picked up the stuff, went into the house, announced I had finished.

    And then my lip thawed.

    One layer must have peeled off and I bled like a pig.  Down my chin, into my hand, on my coat.

    And it hurt.

    Eventually it stopped bleeding, but as I recall it was several days before it felt good again.

    But I was successful in closing off the draft, so, mission accomplished.

Peace and Love

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