Monday, June 27, 2022

whine time

 Sometimes I just get tired  of being me

   I wish I was the organized person, the one with all their priorities set, who knows where the important papers, or the pencil, or the charger, or the get my point.

    I am just tired of the disorder.

    I threw out a picture yesterday.  That is kind of a big thing for me.  I hardly throw out anything.

    It was a picture of my Aunt Fritz in her youth.  She was my dad's sister, and I hardly knew her since she lived in California.  But when she died, a bunch of pictures of people I don't know ended up in my basement.  They are still there.

    But I tossed out one today.  That should have been done ages ago.  Now I have to go through the others and toss them.

    I have several bottles of wine scattered around.  I have two wine racks, 8 bottles each, but that is not enough.  Why haven't I bought a wine rack for all my wine?  It is such a simple thing to do, but I leave the bottles scattered around in all sorts of spaces.

    Organized people would have done that.  Their garages would be neat, their basements tidy, their time not spent looking for misplaced items.

    In one of the boxes I found a 1935 Who's Who in baseball.  It is not in great condition, and it is kind of cool to look at.  But why do I still have it?

    I need to learn to sell on eBay and Itsy and other sites and try to get rid of some of my older  collectibles.  

    Maybe that won't get me organized, but it will get me some money for a wine rack.

  Peace and Love

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