Sunday, June 19, 2022

what a nice day

 This was a pretty nice day

    Yes, the weather was pretty good.  Come midweek, we will be thinking of the 80s as the cool time!

    Emily and Julia were here for dinner.  I grilled some steaks, we had some salad and veggies, cheese and  tomato, (which has a fancy name I can't remember), mini cupcakes and some cookies for dessert.

    They gave me a bike rack that fits my car!

    Now I don't have an excuse for not riding.

    I had been doing some riding until last year.  I was at about 300 miles per year, which is a lot for me but not a lot for other people..  My friend Mike puts on about 10 times that in a year!

    But last year......72 miles.  That was it.  Sad.

    This year is worse.  I have not ridden at all.  None.  Zilch.  Zip.

    The new rack will inspire me.

    I also spent some time helping friend Beth put up her new pool.  We put up the side walls, and then I went home.  There were 7 of us, but it was still no picnic putting the wall into the rail.

    I told her to call if she needed help with the liner, but evidently they did fine and the pool was filling later in the day.

    I also finished weeding my veggies, but I discovered a problem.

    I bought a dual gang water timer.  I have two hoses hooked up, attached to two sprinklers.  One sprinkler goes on at 7, the other at 8 each morning or until I turn them off.

    But the one sprinkler head only spurts out water.  The other head puts out a fine shower which covers a lof of ground.  Sprinkler 2 only covers a small area, actually making a mud pit because all the water isn't spread out.

    I guess I need to switch the heads to see if that is the problem.  The hoses are not kinked.  What else could it be?  The pressure should be the same, I think.

    Anyway, this was a pretty good day.  I hope the heat isn't as bad as predicted, and if it is, I hope we don't lose power.

    Hope your day was good.

Peace and Love

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