Saturday, June 25, 2022

trivial stuff

 I spent the bulk of my day doing little stuff

    We finished assembling the bed, I put a new shower head on the downstairs shower, went to the Saturday market and bought supper, tidied up the basement, 2 loads of laundry, sorted bags, got all the crap out of the car.

    Nothing major, just a lot ot little things.

    Julia had most of the bed together, all I had to do was tighten the nuts.  (No, Doug....not those!)

    And the shower went surprisingly easy.  I watched a video on how to do it.  Twice.  Then I did what they suggested and it went fairly well.  I do have a small drip....but I have tried three times to eliminate it, but it does not want to go away. 

    I pulled all the stuff out of the car looking for the Teflon tape needed to do the shower head.  All of it ended up in the house on the nook table, in a huge pile.

    I found the tape.  

    I took all my reusable bags and folded them, tied them, packed them into baggies and put everything into a special bag.  All the plastic bags I had accumulated went into my recycle bag bin and it is now full.  I just have to remember to take them to the store and toss them into the bag bin.

    I went to the market just in time to get poured on.  I did get some barbecue for supper and stopped for a coffee as long as I was there.  

    It was a busy day and I do have one frustration.

    Friday morning at sometime before sunrise the planets were on parade.  I did not get up to see that.  This morning I woke up at 4:15 for some reason.  If that had been yesterday, I might have seen the parade.

    Such is life.

Peace and Love

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