Monday, June 20, 2022

not late!

 I made it to an appointment early today

    Jackie had to be in Rockford at 1:30.

    I laid out the morning to be sure we were ready to leave at 12:30, giving us plenty of time.

    "What time do I have to be there?" she asked.

    "1:30.  We need to leave by 12:30." I said.

    "You are sure it is 1:30."  she said.

    "I checked the calendar...1:30."

    We got there at 1:25. Right on time.  We check in and the receptionist said she could not find Jackie on the appointment list.  I said I was positive it was 1:30.  It was on the calendar.

    Well, it was not was 3 p.m.!  Luckily they were able to squeeze her in and we did not have to wait until 3.

    So tell me.....I knew it was 1:30, how?  Obviously I did not look at the calendar even though I was convinced I did and it was a 1:30 appointment.  

    When we got home I looked and it clearly says 3 p.m. on the calendar.

    I dread to think what would have happened if we had to wait until 3.......

Peace and Love

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