Wednesday, June 29, 2022

doctor, doctor

 We had a pretty nice day today

    Two doctor visits, Ollie's with friends, a great supper, beautiful was very nice.

    But there are always buts.

    Last week Jackie's knee doctor's office called and said she was due for a follow up.

    So we made an appointment for today.

    She already had an appointment in DeKalb, so it made sense to have two.

    We are waiting for our second appointment, the nurse gets us, and she asks about pain in the knees.  Jackie says she doesn't have pain in ther knees.  Nurse asks why she is here, and Jackie says it is for a follow up.  Nurse says, ...... hmm, we don't uusally make follow up appointments like this.

    She left, another nurse comes in and apologizes.  She said she evidently made the appointment and the call, but does not remember doing so and there is no reason  to be here.  She apologized several times.  It was just weird.  They were confused, We were confused.  

    Then we met Barb and husband Rick at Ollie's and all the problems disappeared.  We sat under a tree, in the comfortable shade, and visited for almost 90 minutes.  It was a really nice time.  We had been saying for the past 100 years that we would do that, but we just never have.  

    And the Ollie's was good.  I think I had the red  hot fudge, strawberries, crushed cookie....very nice.  I got Jackie a junior hot fudge, which was more than enough for her.

    Julia's friends Matt and Nam brought supper from Rosita's in DeKalb and that capped off a pretty good day.

    Now, all I have to do is learn my lines and life will be great.

Peace and Love

and pictures

My native plants just don't seem to be doing as well and I expected.  Coneflowers are a little sparse and the butterfly weed does not seem very big.  Maybe it is still early.

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