Tuesday, June 7, 2022


 We got a new house

    I was working at the newspaper and the owner of the paper also was a developer.  He was putting up some 235 housing......housing for low income people.

    I worked at the paper, had a child, Jackie was in school, and we qualified.

    So we bought a bi level.  Two bedrooms, kitchen, bath upstairs and a blank downstairs which could be finished into two bedrooms, a family room, another bathroom and a utilitiy room.

    We eventually started working on the downstairs.

    Jackie's brother Bob came out and framed out the kneewalls so it could be drywalled  

    I did not know what a soffit was, but we had to build one.

    Bob would put the frame up, put in a couple of nails, and leave me to pound the other nails home.  Bad choice

    I was up on a ladder hammering my third nail and it bent.  The nail, not the ladder. Bent badly.  It looked like a figure 8 without the right side.

    I tried pulling it out, but it would not give.  I stepped down one step on the ladder to create a little more leverage and gave a hard yank.

    The hammer came down, whopped me in the face between my nose and mouth.  As the tears of pain were rolling down my cheecks, I checked to see if I had broken any teeth.

    Bob , who was in the next room hammering away, stops and yells:  "You didn't hit yourself in the face with the hammer, did you?"

    I said yes, and went to get an ice pack.

    When I came back, Bob looked at me and said, "You need to to to the store for me."

    I asked him what he needed.

    "30 minutes," he answered.

    So I left.  Came back 30 minutes later and the soffit was finished.

    I still think that is the reason I have trouible breathing through my left nostril.

Peace and Love

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