Wednesday, June 15, 2022

pioneer living

 We lost power today

    It went off about 6:30 p.m. and came back at abut 8:30.

    We were doing a Tuna rehearsal in the dark, mostly.  I used a flashlight to light up my pages, and that was a help.

    The problem with living in the country and losing power is the inability to get water from the tap or flush toilets.  Two hours is not a major inconvenience, but it is a pain in the butt because usually I have to use the bathroom as soon as the power goes.  Pavlov may have used dogs, but I would have been a good subject for conditioned responses.

    And using the garage door opener is out.  Our garage door does not have handles on the outside, so that makes like a little harder too.

    Which explains why Julia just went out to put my car in the garage.  When I came home, I just left it there.

    She noticed it was lightning a lot in the we could lose power again.

    Truthfully, the windy conditions and hot weather set me on edge just a little bit.  

    It could be a long night.

Peace and Love

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