Sunday, June 12, 2022

break time

And now, for something different 

    Enough DIY for now....back to it tomorrow.

    Just some updates.

    Brother Carl, sister in law Ruth ane nephew Jason were here for lunch Saturday.  It was great seeing Jason, because we don't seem him very often.  It was a nice luncheon.

    Emily and Julia are on their way back from out East.  I believe they are in Albany tonight and will be home sometime Tuesday.  Emily had her floors redone last week, so I get to supervise the young guys moving furniture tomorrow.  At my age, supervision is a good role.

    All my plants are in the ground.  I planted the last ones today.  I do have to spread some mulch over the newbies in the garden, but that should not take too long.  I know I won't do it Wednesday when the heat index could be over 100.

    Jackie and I watched the opening session of the hearings on Jan. 6 and were totally astonished at the depths someone took to undermine democracy in this country.  Republicans everywhere need to wake up.

    We have been dog sitting one of Emily's dogs.  Little Adelia looks like a dachshound/something else mixture.  To be honest, I am lukewarm about her.  She like to stay in her crate.  She had 2 accidents her first day here, and one today but usually she makes it outside to do her business.  The weird thing about her is her legs.  The front ones are shorter than the back ones.  When she runs, she has a tendency to tumble forward.

    And she likes to run.  We go out with her on a leash and she sometimes takes off running, with me keeping up with her.  The  she just stops and waits for me to hurtle past her.  I swear she laughs whenever this happens.

    She also likes to sniff.  She has sniffed every blade of grass in the yard.  

    We generally head toward the back of the yard, down into the retention pond, back up the other side of the yard then circle the house.  All this without the hint of a pee.

    She does not like the leash.  And she does not like closed doors. 

    We have only called her Corki a handful of times.  I miss that dog terribly and when I am outside, I half expect her to come running up to me for a belly rub.

    We have talked about getting another dog, but I just know whatever we get won't take Corki's place.  So, I am not sure.

    Stay cool, don't get overheated.

Peace and Love

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