Friday, June 24, 2022

sounding off

 I very seldom touch on controversial topics

    But today's Supreme Court ruling does not sit well with me.

    Anytime someone's liberties are taken away, we are all threatened.

    Please understand.  I don't believe in abortion.  But I do believe in a woman's right to make that choice.  A woman should be in control over her body, and she should decide what course to take.

    I heard one anti-abortion backer say  that women know what causes pregnancy and they should take personal responsibility to avoid getting pregnant.   He then called abortions a "convenience."   I almost drove off the road.

    My question is:  what next?  Will same sex marriage be outlawed? Interracial marriages?  Is the court saying that we only have rights granted to us by the states?

    The while situation is upsetting.  And frightning.

    I read that one state was considering making it a crime to travel out of state to get an abortion.   Imagine that....a nation based on freedoms making it illegal for its citizens to travel.

    This November and the next presidential election would be good opportunities to express your anger at the loss of personal freedom.

    One last thing.  I believe in God.  My God is a generous, loving, forgiving, accepting God.   When the day of judgement comes, He decides....not a bunch of religous zealots claiming to be gods.

    Here endeth my political opinion.

Peace and Love

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