Sunday, June 26, 2022

one thing leads.....

Talk about under estimating a small project! 

    The goal was simple:  Clean up the porch.

    There were a lot of cobwebs, dead leaves, cobwebs, dirt, cobwebs......hopefully you are getting the idea there were a lot of cobwebs.

    So....I figured spray the walls, spray the floor. Easy Peasy.

    Except....when I sprayed the walls, I noticed dirt running down them.  So I got a rag and wiped the walls after I sprayed them.  The porch is 2 shades lighter without the dirt!

    I could not reach the top section, so I got a step stool, all the time telling myself, "Do not fall off the step stool."  I didn't.

    And I moved all the chairs off the porch to make it easier.  Then I moved the plants.  I hosed down the chairs.  I dried them off.

    I figured an hour for the job.  After 2 hours, I took a break.  After 3 hours, I took a rest.  I did finish at around 5.  Julia helped me move the chairs back, the plants are back, and it looks really nice.

    That put me a little off schedule for finishing the mulching.  I had 3 trees and a couple of areas where new plants went to mulch.  Unfortunately, I did not have enough for the trees and now face a conundrum.  Do I get a yard of mulch or just buy bags?  I am guessing 2 bags per tree, but I am not sure.  But a yard of mulch may be too much.  Decisions, decisions.

    I discovered the key to the Cubs winning is for me to not watch the games.  I have not watched lately and they seem to have won a couple.  Either it is me or just that they can play better at times.

    I told Jackie I may just sleep in my chair in the den tonight.  I love having the windows open and I can do that in there.  She can't have windows open because it affects her allergies.  It is a beautiful night.

    So....good night, sleep tight.

Peace and Love


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