Friday, June 3, 2022


 I am amazed by life today

    We have so much technology, and I don't understand any of it.

    I don't have any idea how bitcoin mining works, except it uses a lot of energy, involves a lot of time, and can be profitable.  Actually, I am still unclear on the concept of bitcoins in general, let alone people mining for them.

    Driverless cars.  I just can't fathom the technology that automatically brakes, increases speed, or stops for coffee.  Actually, the stops for coffee is a joke, but I imagine you can program a car to visit a coffee shop.

    On line information.  How does it get to my computer so quickly?  If I Google a topic, bingo it is there in a nanosecond.  It's amazing.

    I have a new water  timer.  It is a Bluetooth.  I hook up two hoses for my veggie garden and set the timer on my phone.  One hose goes on, when it goes off, the second hose turns on.  I have no idea how.  But I am using it.

    I can't imagine what the world will be like in 20 years.

    Then I think of people who are in their 90s now.  The were on the tail end of The Depression, went through WW II, Korea, Vietnam.  They have seen bear markets and bull markets, recessions, and good times.  They watched a man walk on the moon.

    Think of that...from growing up without TV to seeing a man on the moon on TV.

    People my age have seen  it.  We've seen space walks, moon landings, space stations, probes to Mars and farther.  We've learned how to use computers and cell phones and even Apple watches.  I still think of Dick Tracy and his wrist radio.

    Yet some things don't seem to have progressed.  We still have wars.  We still have hatred based on a person's color, religion, nationality, even their political beliefs.

    We have an Earth that is slowly heating to a temperature that might threaten island countries and costal areas and we still don't have a plan to halt that rising temperature.

    We have gun violence, and no idea how to stop or prevent it.

    You would think as smart as we are, we could create a world where people are safe; from each other and from themelves.

    Maybe someday.

Peace and Love

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