Thursday, June 9, 2022


 Another first house faux pas

    The basement was eventually all drywalled, mudded, taped and decorated.

    We had a family room and two bedrooms downstairs finished.  A laundry room and a bathroom were still not done.

    Bobby had framed the knee walls in the laundry room, so I figured I could finish it.

    He used 2 x 2 strips to do the framing.

    I bought panelling and insulation.  I don't remember insulating the other rooms, but that was a long time ago.

    I bought 4 inch insulation.  Jackie helped me.  We would shove the installation into the kneewall, she would press on the panelling,  and I would nail the panelling onto the frame.

    Now, I have seen seven clowns get out of a small car fairly easily.  But it is not easy to nail panelling over 4 inches of insulation in a two inch space.  She pushed. I nailed, and when we were done the panelling had a certain wavy quality to it, I assume because it was cheap panelling and the insulation was pretty thick.

    I was always leery when one of us went down to do laudry.  I kept imagining the panelling giving way and shooting dozens of mails across the room. impaling us to walls or the furnace, puncturing the water heater, and in general creating havoc.

    But it never happened.  At least to us.

    I believe the statement "Let the buyer beware" applies in this situation.

    Actually, I would love to see what the house looks like today.  I think the next time I see it is for sale, I will go have a look.

    But I will approach the laundry room very carefully.

Peace and Love

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