Thursday, June 23, 2022

brain farts

 I suffer from brain farts

    Like when I post the blog on a different page instead of my page on Facebook.  For some reason, I posted it on the Exit 99 page.....don't know why.

    We have a friend in DeKalb who we are always planning to meet at Ollie's for frozen custard....yet we never do.

    So yesterday I sent her an e-mail saying Jackie had a doctor appointment at 1 June 23 and do you want to meet about 2 for custard?

    She e mailed me back this morning saying yes, she would see us later in t he day.

    I thought something was wrong....then realized I was a week off!  Jackie's appointment is June 29!  

    So I called her and apologized....didn't want her to wait at Ollie's and us be no shows.

    Rehearsing the play tonight, I discovered I have been doing a couple of lines wrong.  One is furry Valentine, I have been saying funny Valentine.  The other is Pet Pot, I have been saying something maybe indecipherable (going phonetic on that one) and maybe different each time.

    Now I know.

    Julia and I are on step 4 or 5 of putting a bed frame together.  There are 10 steps.  It has taken us about 3 hours to get the first steps done.  This is not an easy frame to assemble.  Pisser is, it is really Emily's so after we are done using it, it has to be taken apart and moved to her house!  That will require some extra help.

    I am tired of the heat.  Sounds like we get a break for a couple of days then boom.....mid 90s again snext week.  If only we had some idea what is causing this.

Peace and Love

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