Tuesday, October 31, 2017

I don't get it

I am a little puzzled by people 

     Can you tell me why some people will believe a wild man spreading conspiracy theories on the air but won't believe the "main stream" media?
     Seriously.  Whenever a major news event happens, there seems to be some idiot who claims it didn't happen.
     For example, some of the people who were "witnesses"  (their quotation marks, not mine) to the shootings in Vegas have recently died.
     The suggestion is that these false witnesses were being killed to keep the real story hushed up. 
     The real story is some nut killed a lot of people with high powered weapons!       There is no hidden story, or some major cover up.  It was an out and out killing spree.
     These same people claim that one person could not have fired that many rounds, that one person could not have killed and injured that many people......and they show up after every event.
     The moon landing?  Never happened, it was filmed in the dessert in Arizona.
     Kennedy's death?  He survived but was kept on life supports.  Or the CIA ordered it.  Or the mob ordered it and killed Oswald to keep him quiet.
     Sandy Hook?  Staged by the ultra left to get gun control laws passed.
     Area 51?  The government has aliens and spaceships stored there after they crashed on Earth.
     There is no conspiracy to rig the news. 
     How do I know?
    Because in the age of big buck exposees, just wave a handful of dollars in someone's face and they will talk more than me in a room full of friends.
     And that's a lot of talking.
     Sorry for the rant, but it just bugs me.

Monday, October 30, 2017

baby, it's cold out there

I walked the dog today

     It was cold.  Strike that, it was damn cold.
     Corki did a trot almost the entire way.  I think it was the fastest we have walked a mile in two years!
     Tomorrow is a bike ride day, but I think that will wait until Wednesday, when the temps are supposed to be in the 60s again.  I hopefully will ride into town and get a coffee at Cypress House before the ride home.  Again, I don't ride when it is cold!
     I don't want to walk then either.
     So today I went to the hospital to register for cardiac rehab.  The doctor who did my stents wrote a script for cardiac rehab and I have not gone over to start.
Imagine my surprise when the words "8 a.m." came out.  I have to be there at 8 a.m.!!  Holy cow, I am barely getting asleep by then!
     I will go M, W, F......and on my zoo days, I will go in at 7:15 so I can still get to the zoo on time.
     I think I will be home before my girls even realize I am gone....so in a sense, that is a great time.
     But 8 a.m.........I know the rest of the world is up and going by then, but this boy needs his sleep.
     I have a few pictures just laying around I thought I would share.
     So....here goes.

This horseman lost his head because he didn't buy a calendar from me!  Let me know how many you want....I will be delivering next week!  For sure!

Remains of a church on the way to Lena....huge fire gutted the building and now it's gone


I have a rewards card at BP....so I got to pay 33 cents a gallon for gas!!!

Tree by D.K's house

I pass this wooded area on my bike ride and never noticed the little bridge.  I assume kids put  it there to play.  Look between the five trees in the middle...it's a pallet!

Sunday, October 29, 2017

that's not wise

Sometimes I do things that are not very wise

     Today I stopped at the video store looking for one particular video.  Walked out with four.  They are all due back Friday, but how can I watch four in a week??
     Especially today, since I sat to watch the World Series and that was 5 hours ago AND THEY ARE STILL PLAYING!
     I also bought a package of hot dogs.  And buns.  Don't know when we are eating them as we already had meals for the week planned.  But the thought of some dogs on the grill on the last few days of nice weather just made me buy them.  Plus I get to use up some of my tomatoes before they all go bad.
     I bought some paint for a little project.  But it's in the garage, and it is almost too cold to paint.  But it is not going to get warmer, so I have to get it done.
Maybe I could take a TV in the garage and watch a movie while I paint and cook some hot dogs??
     I still have to wash and wax the cars.  Cleaning the interiors would be good too.  But if I do that, I can't watch a movie, which means I wasted a buck.
    I rode my bide today and damn near froze my ears off!  I managed 8 miles before I wimped out and went home.  I had to sit in the microwave for a few minutes with the thing on thaw I was that cold.
     But enough of my complaining for today.
    Can't wait to see who makes the news tomorrow.  And who wins the game tonight.....bottom of the 12th and all tied up.
     Going to be a short night's sleep.

Saturday, October 28, 2017

what to watch

I am back to my basement Netflix zone

     It's not really a man cave, but it could be.
     There is a nice couch, a TV, and Netflix.
     I have several movies I want to watch, African Queen, Young Frankenstein, among others, and some TV series, like Unforgettable Kimmy Schmidt, or however it's spelled.
     Emily mentioned she watched Lion, and I followed her suggestion and watched that tonight.  It was a good movie, and I do recommend it.  Not a comedy, but a feel good drama.
     I think I will move my sound system to the basement.  We never use it upstairs, and heaven knows I could use the help in hearing the actual words.
     Sometimes, if characters are whispering, I have to read lips.
     For example, in a touching scene tonight the boy wraps his arms around his mother and whispers
   "Dogs are furry.  I'll always be your fortune."
Honey, I am not buried.  I know you are a dove.
   "I'll always be a  tiara for you.  You is a verb."
     Suffice it to say, sometimes I lose a little of what is actually going on in the show.  After that scene, I was wondering why she was deathly ill and why he seemed to be a beauty queen giving an incorrect grammar lesson.
Turns out, neither was correct.
     But in the end, the love you make is equal to the love you take. 
     At least I think that's what the Beatles sang.
     Now don't get me started on where that came from.

act one, scene one

I went to a rather neat play tonight

     Three of us went to see Young Frankenstein, the Mel Brooks musical over in DeKalb.
     To be honest, I was not sure what to expect.
     Yes, I have seen the movie, but that was years ago.  Gene Wilder was a kid, or I was, I don't remember.  That does not automatically make it a long time ago though, I can't remember what I had for breakfast.
     Tonight I had Pizza Villa pizza, and that is a darn good pizza.  I have not eaten there for a long time, although I have gotten carry out.  We had a really nice young waitress named Payton.  At least it was Payton to me, everyone else was calling her Jordan.
     But I digress.
     The show was great!  There was a large cast, a talented cast, and they looked like they were having a really fun time performing.  I especially liked the tap dance routine.....because I have two left feet and could not dance if my life depended on it.
     I guess I would be lousy in the west when a cowpoke pulled a gun and started shooting at my feet while yelling, "Dance, pardner. Dance." 
     Putting on the Ritz is also a favorite, just because it is a funny bit.
     What I like about old friends.....actually friends not old, but I have known for a long time.  Well, a while, at least.  You can visit and talk and have a great time without a lot of drama.  You can share, laugh, learn and just relax.  It was a great time.
     Not to busy of a day.  Visited Tilton School students in the morning with museum items, picked Jackie up from her hair appointment, visited Lincoln School in the afternoon with museum stuff, went to a visitation...just a normal, not very hectic day.
     When I finally wind down, I will go to bed and hopefully sleep at least until 9 a.m. tomorrow.  Maybe if the weather is nice, I can go for a ride....if the snow isn't too deep.
     And thanks, kids, for dragging the old man along.

Thursday, October 26, 2017

as seen on tv

I have some problems with tv

     The advertising, specifically.
     Take the food commercials.  They always show a great looking burger, but when I order it the thing comes all smashed down in a pulp.  And when have you ever gotten a glass cup in a fast food restaurant?  That's all they show...never the insipid plastic cups with the lingering aftertaste.
    And chicken?  Show me an overflowing bucket actually sold in a store.  The ones in the commercials are piled high with that golden fried delicious bird.  But that is not what you get.
     And why do the guys dressed in the 1920s outfits drive their cars like some crazy people?  We don't need fast cars, we need safer drivers and these guys just set a bad example.
     Every time I see a Jeep going through a pristine mountain stream, I want to scream!  Think of the pollutants going into the water...gas, oil, anti freeze, grease.  You get the drift.
     And don't get me started on political ads!  I saw the one with the three area governors supporting our guv four times tonight and the primary isn't until, when, March?  And maybe instead of touting new jobs, the guy in Indiana could work on tightening the loose gun show regulations so people from Illinois stop going there to buy guns and returning home to sell them.
     Suburbicon?  Or whatever....just watching that commercial causes me confusion.  Is it a comedy?  Or a horror film?  Whichever, the commercials make me want to stay home and not watch tv.
     I can't stand the cell phone guy with the socks and his hidden fees message.
     Please, no more real people getting surprised about the brand of car behind the curtain or winning the award.  They seem tired, as do the commercials.
     And car guys who fly through the air, have talking grocery carts, or try to be funny with computer generated graphics to hold down prices and raise expectations....away with them!
     Law firms looking for clients for all sorts of illnesses and injuries...oh I wish lawyers were like the ones in England and unable to advertise.
     I cringe at the catheter ads.  Seriously, I do.
     I think I am going through Cub withdrawal.  It's a common malady, but it has been infrequent in the past three years.
    Pardon my grouchiness.
    Think I'll get up and change the channel.

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

well, I'll be........

I love talking about milestones

     For example, I rode my bike 8 miles today, putting me at about 340 for the year.
     Last year I rode 401.7 and I promised myself to pass that.
     But life got in the way.  Stents.  Heat,  Rain.  I went about 7 weeks without getting on the bike at all because it seemed to be yelling "Death to whoever rides me!"  So I didn't ride.  At all.
     But today, 8 miles.  Now normally I go about 12 around the neighborhood, but it was damn cold!  I had on two long sleeve shirts and a sweatshirt, but I was still cold.  I watched my neighbor cruise  by and he looked warm.
     Would it be wrong to ask him what he wears?  How does one guy start up that conversation?
     Uh, hey.  Saw you riding.  What about those pants?
     No, that doesn't work.
     Looking at the forecast, I may not have many riding days left.  Unless I figure out the clothing thing.
     Another milestone in December.....48 years.
     Now friend John had a little to do with that.  The night before the wedding I tried to go out for some bread and milk.  I took my money, car keys and he said, "Terry, you have bread, there's plenty of milk and the store is next door. You don't need your keys."
     And another milestone.
     I started this blog as a New Years Resolution starting Jan. 1, 2014.  I never finshish things, so my goal was to write once a day for a year.  I never stopped.
     I looked at my stats today and there have been over 97,000 page views!  That's almost 100,000!!!  I am shocked.  And thankful.
     You can figure out where most readers live, but this week three countries have been in double figures.  Switzerland, Poland, and Brazil.
     No Russia, for a change. They probably are too busy posting false Facebook stories.

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Uh oh......

We may have a dog problem

     She is a wonderful, dog.
     She is a pain.
     She is well behaved.
     She gets on my nerves.
     We feed her.  We really do.  But she is constantly sniffing around on the  floor for crumbs or bits of dropped food.  When we open the closet, she is right behind us, looking at the floor.
     And when we eat, she stares at our food, and her eyes go from the food to the floor.
     And I swear, she goes out to pee more than I do!  To clarify, I don't go out to pee, but you get the analogy.
     I sit down, she is at the door.  I go into another room, she is at the door.
     When she is home with Jackie, she hardly ever goes out.  But with me, it's almost constant in and out, in and out.....damn near drives me nuts.
     Just now, I sat down to type, she is at the door.  Now she is barking....she just stands out there and barks. No one around.  No other dogs.  Just barks.  I think she does it so I will go out there.  So now I am going.
     She follows me everywhere!  I can't go into a room to get something without almost tripping on her on the way out.
     And yet I love to sit on the couch and cuddle with her, and I enjoy the pitter patter of her little feet.
     And Jackie loves it when she sleeps on the bed by her feet.
     So I guess I'll just cope.  And enjoy her.  And cherish these moments, as irritating as they are.

Monday, October 23, 2017

an unbucket list?

I have been thinking of my bucket list lately

     I have a lot of places to go, and things to do.
     But I also have an unbucket list.  Things I will never do, or do only as a last resort.
     I thought I would share part of it with you, my friendly and loyal readers.
     Things I will never do:

10.     Run a marathon.  I know, my son in law runs the Chicago Marathon and that is pretty great!  But I can't run 5 feet before my hips start hurting, my knees start swelling and my lungs feel like they are on fire.
9.        Learn to swim.  I am almost 70.  I have taken swimming lessons from lots of people, and can't swim to save my life.  I can't time the turn your head and breathe movement and always get water in my mouth.
8.      Go on a roller coaster.  Yes, I went on Space Mountain once.  And I have gone on some of the lower and slower ones at Disney World, but no way will I go on some cockamamie car that goes up 9 stories and then drops to the ground with a series of loops to loop along the way. 
7.     Walk on the glass skyway at the Grand Canyon or anywhere else.  You know glass shatters, right?  Glass can be broken easily.  Why would I walk out onto a glass bridge suspended by some skinny rustable bars just to look down?  I'll make a periscope for that.  The same for those windows at Hancock that lean outward so you can rest on the window and look down.  Uh uh.  Not this boy.
6.    Eat Cauliflower.  Just because.  And the last time I ate it, I got a rash.
5.     Go hiking where there are poisonous snakes.  At one time in my life I wanted to go on a wagon train experience, walking across the prairie like the pioneers did 120 years ago.  Then I realized there are poisonous snakes out there.  I don't like poisonous snakes.  (Or bears.  Poisonous bears are the worst.) The mere thought that they might be present scares the snot out of me.
4.     Ride a motorcycle.  Younger me, yes.  But older me recognizes the trouble that could occur with me on a cycle.  I'd have to wear leather, grow a beard, get a tatoo.  I'd have to drive with bugs in my teeth.  No thanks.
3.     Get a tatoo.  I have a fear of needles and infections.  I also have a fear that my arm will get infected and have to be cut off just  because I wanted a Chicago Cubs logo .  No tats, not on this boy.
2.     Jumping out of an airplane.  I know people do it.  I know it's a thrill.  But I also know I am not exactly calm in situations like that.  If I don't have a heart attack on the way down, I will have the shits.  Guaranteed.
1.     Eat sushi.  I don't even like raw vegetables that much!  Then tonight  I read a story about a guy who has worms in his stomach because he ate improperly prepared sushi and I'm thinking, "How do you improperly prepare raw fish?"
I had it once and I am convinced now that I have worms. 

So there, things  I will never do in life.
I'm sure there are plenty more, but it's getting late.
Good night.

Sunday, October 22, 2017

this is painful

I have a sore finger

     There is a little paper cut on the top of my left pointer finger.  FYI, that is the finger that hits the tgbrfv keys....a pretty darn important finger for us who type with two hands, like god intended.
     So I put a  bandage on it.  I also put some hand lotion on, so the  bandage does not stick.  That's why I have a huge blue bandage on my finger.  This is the self sticking tape that holds the bandage over the bandage protecting the cut.  Damn hard to type.
     What's lost is found, what is found is lost.
     Last night I had a tube of black frosting for a church project today.  Jackie made bat shaped cookies and pumpkin shaped cookies.  We brought pumpkins to decorate and the cookies to frost.  I bought black frosting for the bats.  (By the way, whenever I hit the f key I seem to hit the v key also.....hopefully I will catch those mistakes.)
     Got to church and no black frosting.  I figured I just didn't put it in the bag.
     Got home.....no  black frosting visible anywhere.
     Another mystery.
     And yes, we checked the wax paper  box.
     I love this getting old.
     Maybe tomorrow.

Saturday, October 21, 2017

lost....found yet??

My wife lost her wedding ring today

     We were baking cookies and she took it off to mix the dough.  When she went to put it on, it was gone.
     Where did it go?
     It got mixed up in the dough and baked?
     It fell into the sink or on the floor?
     Corki ate it?
     It went in the garbage, along with the broken glass from this morning?  (In my defense, I did not think I set it in the dishwasher that hard!)
     It got caught in the used wax paper?
     So I looked for a while, then we went to a benefit dinner, then I came home and looked.
     And looked.
     And looked.
     I could not find the ring anywhere.  I don't think it was in the cookies, because it seems to me a ring would show after baking was done.
     The dread of going through the trash was surpassed only by having to check Corki's poop for the next week.
     We looked for over an hour.
     Finally, we gave up. 
     Maybe somebody will bite into a cookie and find it, I thought.
     When Jackie asked for the waxed paper, I gave her the box.  She opened it and.....there was the ring.  In the box.
     All's well that ends well. And I don't have to worry about someone breaking a tooth on one of our cookies.
     I guess that is a sweet victory, of sorts!

Friday, October 20, 2017

odds and ends

This was a discombobulated day

     And no, I have no idea if that is spelled correctly.  My spell checker tells me learned is wrong, as is gauge and spelled.  Go figure.
     I thought I was locked out of a room because the door would not open.  Been going through this door for 10 years.  I kept pushing and pushing but it would not budge.  It's a pull.
     Stopped to buy some clothes, could not find my car.  I walked up and down three lanes, and I could not find it.  Of course, I was not in the correct parking lot.  I parked  in front of a restaurant and I was looking in the side parking lot.
     I think I may have scared a lady.  She was ahead of me walking to her car, and I was following along.  I thought my car was parked in the second row, she went to the second row.  I thought my car was parked toward the end, she went to the end.  I  eventually walked in the complete opposite direction because I did not want her to think I was following her.  That didn't help in the car search.
     Buying clothes.  I got extra large, because my extra large belly makes large cling too much.  Yes, you are right....I should try harder to lose the weight.
Speaking of which....I have some cupcakes to share.  If you feel like a coffee or tea Sunday afternoon, stop over and I will share the cupcakes with you!       Otherwise I have to eat them all.
      Not that I am complaining.......
     I did read a neat story in the Trib today.  A Chicago teen was sneaking into a Skokie fitness center to play basketball with friends.  Problem is, his membership had expired and mom could not afford to renew.  The fitness center staff warned him several times not to come in, and said the next time he did police would be called.
     Well, he went and the police were called.
     What the officer did was amazing.  He talked to the boy, and instead of arresting him, the officer paid for a three month membership out of his own pocket.  Then his superiors called the health center company and the company put up the money for a two year membership.
     Seems the boy is a talented player, has never been in trouble and has pro potential.  The officer said it was worth the money to keep the boy off the streets and on an upward path.
     That was my feel good moment of the week, but it doesn't totally erase the fate of the Cubs. 
     Waiting for next year starts now, I guess.

Thursday, October 19, 2017

the trip home

Nothing is as easy as pie for me

     As you remember from yesterday, I was camping at Lake Le Aqua Na, located west of Freeport, close to Lena.
     Lena is a pretty little town.  I really like it, especially in the fall.
     My check tire pressure light came on in my Honda, and of course I don't have a tire gauge
     So after breakfast at a cute little cafe in Lena, I went to a gas station on the way out of town.
     (Digression:  We had eaten at this cafe several times....always good food.  But it closed and has reopened under new ownership and a new name.....Cream and Sugary Beanery, if I remember.  I had a panini like breakfast sandwich and it was really good.  I especially liked the rotisserie potatoes that came with it.  And the best price?  It was around $5.  If you are ever in Lena, check them out for coffee, tea, or a sandwich)
     I borrowed John's gauge and headed for the gas station.
The tin man....$115 and it would look great in a garden!
     I have never been at a gas station that does not have a air pump.  Never.  But there I was, in an air pumpless station.  Damn.
So I drove back through Lena to a gas station I remembered passing after turning off the road to the park.
     3 minutes of air.....$1.50.   Lucky I carry a lot of quarters when I travel.  I checked the pressure first and found them all down, so I put in my money and aired up my tires.
     All the time I was wishing there was a Casey's nearby, because I believe they have free air.  At least they do in Rochelle.
     As I left town on the main road, instead of the side streets I had used, I saw a Casey's!  Go figure.
     Then on the way home I stopped at a place I had always wondered about.  It's near Eleroy and it is Huron Farm Market.  He has a lot of stuff!
     I stopped and had a nice visit with the owner.  Kind of a fruit stand/flea market, with lots of interesting items.
     My get away for a day is now going to the Huron market, Rafters for lunch, and Lena for an afternoon coffee.
     Anyway, here are some pictures.

Doors rule at Sugar aand Creamery Beanery
Lots of pumpkins

Lots of fall goods!

There is a local guy who makes stuff out of "junk" and sells it at the Huron Market.

The horseshoes are from Amish horses....hand forged.  Just thought it was a clever way to make a wine rack!

You are forewarned

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

what a night

I went camping last night

     I went with my two long time friends from the city.  We have been doing this for a number of years, sometimes making it happen, but sometimes not.
     For instance, I missed last year because of something.  Usually when I miss it's due to a theater type thing.
     We meet up at a restaurant near Lena, then head to Lake Le Aqua Na.  Usually we go on a fall weekend, because not as many people are out once it gets cool.
     Since we are all retired, we opted for a midweek trip this year.
     I am in charge of the Oreos....this year I brought Mega Stuffed!  They were awesome.
     I also brought big marshmallows to roast.  Grabbed them off a shelf in the pantry.  They were marked best used by April 4, 2015.  Oh well.  They tended to burn rather quickly...must be dried out.  And they were never gooey.  But they were marshmallows roasted over a fire....can't beat that!
     I think I am a typical older male when it comes to a prostate.  I have a cup of tea at night and usually get the call to nature at about 3.
     At home it's just a couple of steps to the bathroom.  In the wild, it's a walk to the bathroom or just a few steps to the closest tree that is not uphill from a tent.
      I had a couple of cups of tea, a glass of wine, and a bottle of water last night.
     As I was laying in the tent, right about 3 a.m.......the coyotes started howling.  And howling.  And howling.  They sounded like they were right near our tent.
So a dilemma.  Step out into the dark and get ripped apart by a howling bunch of rabid, possibly zombie coyotes....or hold it and risk wetting the sleeping bag.
     As the piercing howls started to quiet, I knew the answer.  It would keep until morning.
     And it did.
     Now, some pictures.

paper wasp nest

Colors were pretty muted this fall

The lake at Lake Le Aqua Na

Hickory nuts yet to fall

notice the falling leaves....arty, huh? 

R and W......ever try here?

It was praying that we don't step on it!

Notice the dip in the road?  Lots of hills.

Yes, they brought a lamp.  Knowledge will defeat the darkness.

We all know it.... I am number 1!!!

Monday, October 16, 2017

film noir

I sometimes think my life is a movie

     Parts of it play out so freakin funny, while other parts are sad. 
     My vivid imagination makes me a Rear Window kind of guy.  Every time I see something odd, I think it is going to be a major crime or incident.
     Yet my flights of fantasy put me in the Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory genre.
     My inability to get to sleep lately makes me a Sleepless in Seattle kind of guy and my constant running to the computer makes sense because You've Got Mail.
     I love going into Chicago, but I love the quiet of Rochelle, so put me down for A Tale of Two Cities.  And when I go into the city, I hate to drive, so I take Metra, which means Planes Trains and Automobiles.  Well, except for the planes.  But in Switzerland it is definitely planes and trains and automobiles.
     And An American in Paris fits, because I love that town and all its hustle and bustle, sometimes I feel like a Hustler myself when I am there.
     I went to college, so The Graduate applies.  I have not seen that movie in years, maybe I have to watch it again.  Plastics. 
     I have two daughters, Julia and Amelie....well, close enough.  And my favorite foods are  Chocolate and Mystic Pizza.
     Enough of this drivel.
     Checked my audience today....still have a large number of Russian, French and Polish people who have visited my page.  India even showed up.  Not Indiana, which is confusing, I am sure.  Pence was governor of Indiana, not India.  Just in case anyone in Washington gets confused.
     Like me. 
     Think I'll go wash the kitchen floor.
    And I am taking tomorrow off.........one of the rare days I don't do a blog entry.

     Go Cubs!!

Sunday, October 15, 2017

that was weird

I had a strange drive to church today

     My Honda needed gas, but the distance to empty screen said I had 130 miles, plenty to go from Rochelle to DeKalb and back again.
     I know it was windy.  Maybe a sail would have helped.
     But by the time I got to DeKalb, I still had 118 miles to go till empty!
     I only had to use gas for 12 miles, not bad for my little hybrid.
     But on the way home?  A different story.
     You may have noticed the wind. 
     I left DeKalb with 118 miles to empty, and by the time I reached Rochelle it was 73 miles to empty!
     I guess driving into a strong wind does make a difference.
     Abd gas in DeKalb was 15 cents a gallon more than in Rochelle.  Weird.
     Then I was browsing the news content on Yahoo and ran across the story of a man who hid in the woods for 5 years to avoid his nagging wife.
5 years!  In the woods!  That's is determination. 
     Seems she complained about him working in his garden too much, too often and too loudly.
     So he ran away.
     After 5 years in the woods he went to a homeless shelter, where he lived for another 5 years, doing odd jobs.  He finally contacted a sister, whom he had not talked to for 10 years.
    Like I said, a determined man.
    Lot of strangeness in our world, isn't there?
    Go Cubs!!

Saturday, October 14, 2017

act I, scene 2

I love being on stage

     There,  I said it.  I admit it.
     I love entertaining people, and working with others to tell a story.
     But it has been a while since I have done a play.
     Part of it is the amount of time involved.  Generally, that is six weeks of rehearsal, and two weekends of performances.  It's a major time commitment.
     Plus you have to spend time learning lines....additional time.
     Lately I felt like time was just in short supply.  I can't explain it, but it seems like there just isn't enough time in my day.  Maybe I do spend too much time on the computer, or maybe I just don't organize myself well enough.
     But a bigger reason is age.  Most plays have people of a certain age in them.    An old guy can stick out like a sore thumb in a play about younger people.
     For example, if a character is married to a 30 something, it just seems creepy to have an almost 70 year old guy as a love interest.  See my point??
     I knew this day was coming.
     Hopefully there will be a role for me some time in the future. 
     And if not, well, I guess that's the curtain.
     Act 2, scene two....and fade to black.

Friday, October 13, 2017

walk and talk

I had my final walking tour tonight

     I have enjoyed doing these this summer.  We have had large crowds, and small crowds.  Tonight's crowd was large and informative.
     In case you don't know, I do a history walk through Rochelle's downtown.  It takes about an hour and covers about a mile.  It can go longer if I talk too much. I did the walk monthly, starting in May.
     I learn more from the people than I share, sometimes.
     I learned Unger's is the longest continuing business under one family's ownership in town. It started in 1857, if I remember correctly.  The funeral home was located in several spots in the downtown before locating in its current building.
     I also found out that most teenagers in Rochelle tasted their first illegal beer in Tahiti Pete's.  The pizza place/bar was in the now razed Collier Hotel and was quite the popular spot, maybe due to their good pizza and liberal carding procedures.
     And I learned the theater I had been calling the Venetian may have been the Princess. 
     History is usually cut and dried, but when you get people talking about their past and the community's past, it becomes alive.
     I weave a lot of stories into the history part of the walk.  I tell people the facts are  mostly true, but the stories are suspect, so pick and choose what you want to believe.
     I do have one more walk.  Jackie never got to go, so I promised her one NICE day I will take her on her own personal tour.  If you are interested in joining us, let me know and I'll tell you when.
     Tonight's walk had 28 people.  And they all said it was a fun time.
     I rest my case.  And my mouth.

Thursday, October 12, 2017

no doubt about it, the Cubs are on their way...

I can be a perfectly positive person

     I knew the Cubs would win.  I just did not realize how hard it would be for them.
     Now it is on to LA and a date with destiny.
     But the big bats need to start hitting or this will be a short series.
     I have been a Cub fan for a long time.  My Aunt Betty took me to my first game when I was about 9 or 10.
     Of course, Ernie was my favorite Cub.  He was a gentleman, and a player.
I once got his autograph, but have long since lost the booklet.  I wish I had it.
For so many years they were the doormat of the National League (I am in a Steve Goodman frame of mind today....that's his phrase from A Dying Cub Fans Last Request.)  Now, they are the cream of the crop, looking for four more wins to advance to the Series.
     I think they will do it.
      In fact, I am positive. 
     And tired.  So I am going to bed.  But I will take my time and say a prayer or two for people.  But not for the Cubs, because I don't think God follows baseball.
     So....goood night!!

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

who is damp?

It was a miserable game today

I love going to the park.  But today?  Not so much.  Wet.  Rainy. Cub loss.
Not what I expected.
Next week, I hope it is warmer.
They will win tomorrow.  Tomorrow.   There's always tomorrow, it's only a day a way.
I posted a video on Facebook...can't seem to do it here.
Good night, all.
Glad all is well, my child.

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

no words

The Cubs got rained out today

This is the first rainout I have experienced.  Ever. 
They play tomorrow and I will be a bad dad and go.
Love you.....you know who I am talking to!

My new girlfriend!

Monday, October 9, 2017

a little trivia

This week is Fire Prevention Week....know why?

     It's the week that contains Oct. 8, the day of the Great Chicago Fire.
     When I taught, I used to ask an extra credit trivia question: What fire on Oct. 8, 1871, killed at least 1,500 people and destroyed a town?  I would give the kids a couple of weeks to answer it, and few of them did.
     Most people will say the Great Chicago Fire.  You would be wrong.  True, that fire killed about 300 people while destroying most of the city.
     But the Great Peshtigo Fire happened the same day.  Somewhere between 1,500-2,500 people died in that fire, which destroyed the town of Peshtigo and several other communities in northern Wisconsin.
     Timing is everything.
     People heard about Chicago, but Peshtigo was in the north woods, past Green Bay.  Communications were terrible and it took days of the disaster to reach the more populated areas.
     By then, it was to late.  Chicago got all the attention, and rightly so due to its size and importance, even then.
     I have visited the Peshtigo Fire Museum a couple of times because honestly, the disaster fascinates me. 
     One time when I was in the museum another guy was in looking around and said to the lady, "You don't have much from the fire on display."  The lady paused and said, "That's because it all burned."
     And no, that was not me who asked.
     There is a mass grave where about 300 people were buried.  They were burned beyond recognition, so they were buried together.
     It had to be a horrific experience.
     Sherlock Holmes said there are no coincidences.
     Peshtigo and Chicago on the same day.  Also the Great Michigan Fire.  And the Huron fire.  All Oct. 8, 1871.
     A book I recently bought puts the blame of these fires on fragments of an asteroid that passed the earth.  The fragments landed in areas hit by a drought and ignited.
     But scientists debunk that, saying there has never been a case where a fire can be blamed on space debris.
     There are no coincidences.
     So there.....a mini lesson on Fire Prevention Week and the Great Peshtigo Fire.
    You are welcome.
    Go Cubs!!

Sunday, October 8, 2017

wolf!! wolf!!

I tend to have a vivid imagination

     I pounded on a neighbor's door one night because I looked in his living room window and saw flames.
     I am surprised he answered.  I was yelling and pounding.   Actually, I don't remember if he opened the door or came around the corner of the house.  Seems he was in the back yard burning debris of some sort.  I really didn't see the fire in his house, but through his house.
     That imagination leads me to jump, no.......jump is too innocent.  Let's go with catapult to conclusions.  Usually wrong ones.
     Take today.
     Beautiful day.  Decided to ride my bike.  Took it to town, rode the path.  I was on the new extension out by the railroad tracks when I saw two bikes laying in the weeds.  Nice looking bikes.  New looking bikes.
      I didn't see anyone around, so I kept riding out to Beebe Drive. 
     All the while that imagination is going crazy.
     Are they stolen bikes, abandoned by panicked thieves?  Did the riders go up and play in a box car, only to have the train take off or the door close and trap them?  Are they now on their way to Ohio or Washington?
     Or the worst:  Did they get hit by a train?
     So when I rode back I stopped and got off my bike.  I yelled, "Anybody here?"
     No answer.
     I climbed up the embankment to the railroad tracks and yelled, "Whose bikes?  Anybody here?  Hello?"
     No answer.
     I scoured the tracks, looking for blood or body parts.  None, thankfully.
     I started down the embankment, lost my balance, stumbled forward and would have landed face down in the mud if my prodigious belly hadn't provided a cushion.
     I don't know what I tumbled through, but I know I itched like crazy until I could wash my arms off.
     I don't think Jackie noticed the scraped knee.
     I called home and she gave me the non emergency number for Rochelle police.
    I called  and explained where I found the bikes and asked if they had any reports of missing kids or bikes.  The nice lady said no.  She also said she would not have a unit come out, because usually someone comes and gets the bikes.
     But she did say to call back tomorrow if the bikes were still there.
     I decided to take a picture of the bikes and was just about ready to click when I heard voices.  Two voices.  Boy voices.
     Boys with fishing poles.  Coming for their bikes.
     "Oh good.  Nobody stole them," said the younger of the two.
     In my defense, they were a long way from the water!
     I didn't call the police back, because they said not to contact them again until tomorrow.  Plus, they had my number.
     But there I was, convinced a child sexual predator nabbed them, or they were hit by a train, or caught in a box car, or abandoned stolen bicycles, or swept up by aliens.  I even pictured them tied up and left on the tracks, like in the old time melodramas, where the hero saves them just as the speeding train approaches.
     I always hear security people say:  See something, say something.
     Unfortunately, I do.

Saturday, October 7, 2017

Swiss visitors

I got to see my nephews and neice from Switzerland today

     OK, here comes my connectivity challenge.  My nephew and his wife are in Switzerland.  They have two youngsters.  Are they my:  great nephews?  second cousins?  grand nephews?  grand great nephews?  Just two boys?  And is she my niece?  Niece in law?  Why is it so complicated??
      Swiss schools are a little more strict when it comes to vacations.  There are several two week and longer breaks during the year, and those are for vacations.       They do not allow families to go on vacation because it's convenient, cheaper off season rates, or mom and dad's vacation time.
     The boys are on break, so mom and them made the trip back to visit grandparents and luckily, us.  We had my brother and his wife, and my sister in law from Wisconsin (one of the granparents of the boys)  and it was quite a feast.
     Jackie and I thought it would be good to order pizza for lunch.  Turns out, our favorite pizza places are closed until late afternoon, so we went to a chain and it was actually good pizza!
     I ordered on line, and Michael was watching.  He asked how many pizzas I ordered, and I said two.  He looked at me and said, "Really Uncle Terry?  There's six adults and us."  So I ordered three and he was right!  We had a couple of pieces left over, which will make a good supper for the two of us.
     On the way to order pizzas, we drove by some of the hay bales and straw sculptures and I think they thought those were neat.
     It was a pretty good day....but I had too much to eat!  All that bike riding was just negated.
     Have to start over.

Friday, October 6, 2017

oh no!!!!!

I lost my Beatles today

     My radio subscription expired.  Now I have to wait a few months before I sign up for a special offer.
     I have been getting it for $30 for six months, which is a good deal.  I still don't like having to pay to listen to the radio, but there are no commercials and great music.
     The Beatles channel seems to be the only one I listen to lately.  I love the Fab Four, and I love them more every time I listen to them.
     But on the way home today.......poof!  It was gone.  My six months ended.
     Commercial radio is ok, but there is a reason it's called commercial.
     Public radio is fine, but sometimes I want to escape this increasingly crazy world and listening to the Beatles does that for me.  Or Buffet.  Or Underground Garage.  Or, well, you get the point.
     I could do some cds, or create a play list on my phone....but that requires a degree of technical skill I don't know that I possess.
      I am just to cheap to subscribe at the normal rate, which I think is $15 a month.  That's a lot just to listen to the radio.
     So, no more whining.  I'll just have to tough it out.
     But still.....picture yourself in a boat on the river, with tangerine trees and marmalade skies......

Thursday, October 5, 2017

a first!

Today I did something I never imagined doing

     I am not a daring person.  I won't jump out of an airplane, or off the side of a mountain, or drink water from a garden hose because after doing it for years I found out it wasn't good for people, for some reason.
      But I digress.
     Today, I got a pedicure.
     Yes, that's right.  I allowed a total stranger to bathe my feet, trim my toe nails and exfoliate my feet.
     And it felt damn good.
     For you young folks out there, trimming your toe nails is an easy task.
     But I can't bend over that far anymore.  My belly gets in the way, and I am just not as flexible.
     So I went with Jackie for a peddie.  (Is that what it is called?)
     I knew my nails were too long when the technician went back and got the hedge lopers, but after a couple of minutes of grunting, sweating, and gnashing her teeth she managed to trim the big toe.
     My pops, bless his heart, must have stopped trimming his toes at about 70.  Those suckers were loooong.  I think he was wearing size 18 shoes when he died.  Normally he wore 10s, but his nails just kept growing.  My mom was not strong enough to trim them and I was long gone.
     My old dogs feel pretty good tonight.  I might just make this a routine thing.
     And no, I did not get them colored!

     Now, for something different:

     I am a corny guy!  I do have From the Heart daily cash give away calendars for sale!  These are $20 each, but they have a cornucopia of coupons!  Deals on meals, flowers, oil changes.....using half the coupons can earn the $20 back in savings!  Use all the coupons and you come out way ahead. Every day a winner is picked.  The winner can win $25, $50 or even $1,000!  And you can win more than once!  The money goes to a lot of different agencies around town:  Hope, Food Pantry, CASA, Shining Star, Focus House, and several others as well as money to Rotary for our use in funding causes that benefit people around the world and in Rochelle.  Let me know if you want one, two or three or 10!  They make great Christmas presents, and if you are a boss you can buy them for your employees and give them a chance to win $$$$.
We do sell about 2,400 calendars, so your odds are better than with the lottery or getting hit by lightning.  Call me.  Please.

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

I have to say it

I may be divorced after posting this

     We got our flu shots today.  The really nice pharmacist gave us extra attention.  She took care of me and was very gentle.  She took care of Jackie and was also very gentle.
     When we got home, Jackie changed clothes. 
     About 10 minutes later, she yells, "I lost my watch!"
     Now, this is not just a watch.  It is an Apple watch.  She can look at it and say, "Siri, call Terry" and it will.
     This is her wear all the time watch, just in case there is an emergency and she can't reach a phone.
     So it's a big deal.
     I asked the question we all ask in this situation.  "Where did you put it last?"  If people knew where they put it last, they would not be looking for it, would they?
     We looked in the bathroom, the chair she was sitting in, her walker.....nothing.
     We went into the closet and went through the clothes she took off..... nothing.
     So I called her on my phone.
     We could hear the watch ringing in the closet.
     I looked on the floor, in the hampers, everywhere.  No watch.
     I made her leave the closet because it is a little tight in there.
     I called it again.
    We could hear it, and it sounded like it came from .... her walker!  She has a little covered container under the seat, and maybe we didn't see it the first time.
     We took everything out:  Tissue.  Gum wrappers. Nail file.  Book.  Magazines.  Miscellaneous scraps of paper.  Nothing.  Looked through the magazines again.  Nothing.
     I called it again.
     The ring came from her!
     We checked her pockets, her bra, but could not find it.  Finally I told her to take off her pants.  (When we were younger, this story would have gone a different direction.)
     The watch fell onto the floor!  Evidently it was caught inside her left pant leg.       That happens to be the leg that doesn't work very well, and doesn't sense things well.  How the watch got there is a mystery.
     We spent 15 minutes looking for the damn thing and it was in her pants.
     There, I told it.
    Well, I guess I better start packing.  Julia, how is the weather????

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

free your head

Sometimes it is just toooo much craziness

     The Vegas shooter was supposedly a millionaire.  Couple of houses.  Maybe a plane.  And over 20 weapons with him.
     Some had a special attachment that allowed him to fire rapidly.  And he did.
     Questions just keep running through my head.  Why was he allowed to have that many weapons?  Why was he, or anyone, allowed to have weapons that are clearly designed to kill people?  Why can't the families of the survivors sue the gun companies for the damage they have done?
     In other news, I am glad Puerto Rico didn't have a real bad storm, like Katrina. After all they just lost heir power grid, most of their housing, medical facilities, schools, and a couple of dozen lives.  I bet those people felt good catching toilet paper and paper towels tossed out to them.  They did seem to catch better than the Bears' receivers, though.
     And the congressman who got a girl pregnant in an extramarital affair and suggested she get an abortion while he is promoting anti abortion laws.  His defense was he didn' t read the stuff his staff put out. 
     So I took a bike ride to clear my head.
     It didn't help.
     Maybe tomorrow will be better and some sanity is restored to a world that seems to be more insane than me.

Monday, October 2, 2017

no words

I am having a hard time with this latest mass shooting

     I firmly believe in gun control.  I firmly believe in the second amendment.  In order to maintain a well regulated militia, the right of the people to keep and bare arms shall not be infringed.
     A well regulated militia.
     To me that is what needs to be done.  All gun owners need to be part of a militia, a well regulated one with background checks, monthly training, the ability to be mobilized if the need arises, and a limit on the types of weapons they possess.
     Control the guns.  Prevent the senseless killings that occur every day in our society.
     For gods sake they outlawed lawn darts because they were dangerous!
     I don't know guns, I admit that.
     But I know common sense.  Common sense tells me that automatic weapons, weapons with high ammo capacity, and weapons capable of killing large amounts of people at one time need to be banned.
     I am embarrassed that our country, our lawmakers, have not demanded this.
     Prayers are not needed, action is.

Sunday, October 1, 2017

911 or 411???

Life is darn interesting, and amusing, or is it me?

     As a parent, I understand the need to get away for awhile.  Recharge the batteries.  Appreciate the kids more by have a temporary distance. 
     But I think the Iowa woman who left her two 12 years olds in charge of a 9 year old when she went to Germany for 10 days maybe over did it.
     Yes, I know; she left a handgun on a closet shelf for their protection.  Anyone see a potential problem with that?  I don't.  12 years olds have second amendment rights too.
     I assume she left them adequate food, not just chips and cold cuts.
     Call me slow, but I still don't understand why people are mad at football players for protesting injustice  but seem to think the guys with brown uniforms, swastikas, nazi flags and assault rifles are some very nice people.
     I think I am in free form state.
    Yesterday when I was answering phones one of the other volunteers told me about her son, who died 3 years ago after a battle with leukemia.  His first round of treatments at a downtown hospital caused some financial hardship because they rented an apartment for the three months of treatments.
     The second round they stayed at Ronald McDonald House.  She said the people there were wonderful, providing meals, hair cuts, support, all for a $10 per night donation, if people  could afford it.  She said they made the inevitable a little gentler.
     Son in law John is running the Chicago marathon next week.  He is running for Ronald McDonald House.
     His link is: 


     Just in case you might want to donate.  I did, and I think I will again.
     I rode my  bike tonight and it was filled with suspense, terror and relief.
     Another guy in the hood rides the same route I do, only faster and twice.
     As I rounded a corner in a wooded area he was ahead of me but going slow.      Suddenly his bike went down on the ground and he rolled over onto his back.
     I thought he was having a heart attack!
     Turns out his knee was locking, so he was just laying down to do some stretches.
     Wish he had told me that before I started mouth to mouth.
     I let Corki out into the backyard and about 40 minutes later Jackie asked if I heard a dog barking.
     I said no, telling her Corki was in the den with me, behind the chair.  A few minutes passed and she asked again.
     I looked behind the chair and.....no Corki!
     I do remember letting her out, now that I think about it.
     And I downloaded some pictures last night.  (No, not porn.  Pictures rescued from the dead computer.)   I  now have 13,693 pictures.  I think somewhere I screwed up.
     And I watched the final Cub game, at least for the regular season.  I was sad.  The 8 months of baseball have flown past.  Life is short.  And moving too quickly.  Lots of memories, and good times.
     Double sigh......and good night.