Saturday, April 15, 2017

twangy guitars, please

I'm back in the saddle again

   At least back on the riding lawn mower.
   It seems like it has been months since I mowed the lawn.
   As usual, I waited too long.  The grass in the back was very tall and a little clumpy in spots.
   I can't figure it out.  Same grass seed, same environment, same tender loving indifference yet the back yard is lush, thick, green while the front yard is sparse and patchy.
   It's been over seeded, fertilized, aerated, and thanks to Corki, amply fertilized in certain areas.  Is there a product I can spray to maybe counter the affects of dog urine?  Or is it effects.  No, I am sticking with affects.
   Other puzzlements:  Why do some of my plants do well and others of the same type just die?
   Why aren't the Cubs hitting better?  Out homered by a visiting team?  Scandalous.
   When should I plant vegetables??
   Anyway...too much to ponder tonight.
   I hope everyone has a Happy Easter!

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