Wednesday, April 5, 2017

I'm sorry, what was that?

My train of thought has left the station

   And I was not with it.
   Seriously!  I am having brain farts like crazy.
   Sometimes when I am thinking of this blog I get a brilliant idea.  Funny, insightful, thought provoking.....sometimes.
   I keep a pad of paper near the computer to write down ideas.
   Here is what I wrote down this morning:
   No other notes, comments, ideas...just 36,041.
   I have eliminated some thoughts:
   My weight.
   Our bank balance.
   The amount we owe IRS.
   Number of miles I have ridden on my indoor bike this year.
   The number of Jackie's tissues I have picked up this week.  She is following the don't bend over rule, so I can't complain.
   Mileage on either car.
   Number of pencils from various sources I have collected.  I don't often use pencils, so I don't know the reason I collect them.
   Number of blog views.....happily it is over 73,000.  Again, thank you.
   Calories in tonight's supper.
   All I know is I was reading the Trib and something triggered my mind.
   Two days ago I wrote down something from Dilbert:  If you always want more, you can never by happy with what you have.
   Pretty powerful words from a comic strip.
   Anybody have any clue what 36,041 might mean?   Because I sure don't and it will drive me nutty before long.

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