Monday, April 3, 2017

got some learnin to do

I have lived in Rochelle for..... a long time

     It's a rural area.  I get it.  The radio station carries a lot of farm related news.
     So you would think after 40 plus years out here I would know more than I do!
     For example, why are pigs called pork bellies?  When they give a livestock report they say November pork bellies are up.  Up where?  In trees?  On the roof?  Awake?  And what about the rest of the pig?  Is it down?  Sold separately?  Some disassembly required?
     Beef cattle I get.  Those are cows we will eat as hamburger.  But why do they give prices for months in advance?
     I know they can store corn and soybeans, so I get it when they give prices for those in the fall.
     Well, not really.  But I think I can fake that one.
     Compounding the problem is when I go into Chicago and listen to the radio I hear traffic reports for roads  but I don't know where they are!  Borman expressway?  Elgin-0'Hara toll?  And they go through the roads so fast I never figure out if I am heading into a bottleneck or if I am already in one and don't know it.
     I guess I wasn't paying attention.  Or thought about enough to ask or Google it.
     I will just continue to live in agriignorance and hope the road I am on is clear.
     Truthfully, I could go for some bacon right about now.

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