Friday, April 7, 2017

it's in the numbers

I figured out my own personal mystery!

     Yes, I know there was a redundancy in that statement.  Deal with it.
     The number from two days ago....36,041...not the number of licks to the center of a Tootsie Pop, not Highland City Alabama (zip code!),  and not the number of hours spent watching a pregnant giraffe not give birth.
     I honestly thought it was something I read in the paper.  But it was an e mail.
     I was walking Corki today and stopped to talk to the fan club Corki has at the end of the block.  Kids love her.  A neighbor remarked her husband was taking their grandson to the boy's first Cub game Monday night.
     I said something about knowing someone who has tickets is a big help, with a laugh because her husband has season tickets.
     That's when it hit me.  36,041 is my spot on the Cubs' season ticket waiting list!  They e mailed me Monday to update me./...I wrote the number down and pfft...gone.
     My brother called and asked me if I had seen the results for the Joliet Junior College board election.
     There were two two year positions open and one candidate earned the second spot by getting 26,003 votes, nearly 1,500 votes more than the third candidate, who obviously did not win.
     The kicker?  The winning candidate died March 7!
     But 26,003 voters felt a dead person was a better candidate than the other people on the ballot!
     Explain that to your grandchildren:  I could have been president, but I was discouraged after I lost my first election to a dead person.
     The deceased was on the ballot because ballots had already been printed and in some cases mailed for absentee voting, so they could not be changed.
     And several people in the story said they voted for her as a way to pay respects to the service she has given the community.
     I think the bigger problem will be if the deceased shows up at a board meeting... like a governmental Weekend at Bernie's.
     My guess is I will also be long gone when it's time for me to buy a season ticket...I've been on the list for at least 6 years.
     Time will tell.

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