Friday, April 14, 2017

driver's ed lesson 1

I swear, I am sometimes clueless

     I had a zoo day today.  First off, Jackie did not fall and did not have any problems.  That is good.
     I drive my Honda to the zoo.  In fact, I drive my Honda almost everywhere I go.
     I had my cruise set for 68 on the tollway.  Yes, I know the speed limit is 70 but I get noticeably worse gas mileage at that speed.  My  best MPG speed is between 55 and 60, but you can't drive that on the tollway and survive.
     I had to slow down for a slower vehicle, so I hit my brakes.  When the left lane cleared, I passed the truck, and hit my cruise control set button.  The car immediately slowed down.  So I sped up, hit my cruise control again and again the car did not maintain speed.
     I was getting a little frustrated.
     So I did it one more time and realized I was not hitting the cruise control, but the volume button for the radio.
     Me bad.
     After a fun day at the zoo, I got in the car, called home, turned on the Cub game and attempted to drive off.
     The car would not move.  Would not go in reverse or forward.  I thought maybe I had ruined the transmission in some way.
     Turns out I never started the car, so of course it would not move.
     Me bad, again.
     We went to DeKalb tonight and I was on Hueber Parkway at Glidden Road.  I turned to Jackie and asked, "When did they put a stop sign here?"
    She looked at me like I was nuts and said it had always been there, ever since the road was built.
     Turns out I thought I was on a different road.  I finally had to ask her where the hell I was.
     My confusion cleared up quickly.
     It's just strange that a car I drive constantly, and a road well traveled in my life, would temporarily discombobulate me completely!

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