Wednesday, April 19, 2017

mini rant time

I am just pissed at a lot of little things

   For no reason other than I get tired of seeing or hearing the same stuff.
     Tail gaiters.  When you drive, please keep off the tail of the car in front of you.  It's annoying.  It's dangerous.
     Drunken drivers.  Time to start calling these people what they are:  murderers, or potential murderers.  Alcohol is no excuse for killing someone.  We need to treat this crime  tougher than we do.
     Guns.  We have too many of them.  The answer to curbing gun violence is not putting more guns out there, it is getting rid of guns.  Every time I read about a disturbed person who killed his family, or neighbors, or former co-workers or just some stranger walking down the street I get irritated at a society and lawmakers who allow mentally unbalanced people to have guns.  Insanity.
Make background checks mandatory, make wait days longer, prohibit all sales without background checks and make registration mandatory.  And create stiff penalties for people possessing guns illegally.
     ATV drivers who don't respect the rights of others and feel they can just ride their vehicles anywhere.
     People who fight at baseball games.
     The Blackhawks.
     Drunks at baseball games who ruin it for every one around them.
     Using an obscenity to describe our president.  I don't like him, but using obscenities to describe him is not winning anybody over.  Truthfully, I think it does more harm than good.
     Protesters who engage in fisticuffs with the opposing side.
     Idiots who dump their garbage along the road.
     Plastic bags.
     State lawmakers who allow themselves to be controlled by Mike Madigan:  they are gutless politicians who should be voted out of office.
     Our entire state government.
     Loud motorcycles after 10 p.m. and before 7 a.m.
     Watching people like the football player who just killed himself in prison.  He had it all...looks, money, fame... and it wasn't enough.  Even in college he was a bad egg and he still got drafted and had a bucketful of money tossed at him.
     Gangs.  Why can't they work to improve their neighborhood or community?  Clean up vacant lots, run errands for seniors, paint a community center, get an education and help others.  No.  Instead they shoot.  Senseless.
     Men who abuse women.
     People who don't keep their property neat.
     People who complain.  Oh wait..........

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