Wednesday, April 26, 2017

memory lane...again

My friend Dan and I spoke to a seniors' group today

    These were folks in Creston, our program was on the Cuba trip we took last year.
    In fact, it has been just a little over a year that Dan and I went to that island in the sun.
    Talking to people today was a great way to relive the experience and refresh my memory about the trip.
    The downside was, in a room full of seniors, none of us were young enough or skilled enough to get my slide show up and running on the tv.
    We plugged in the thumb drive, and the menu popped up to browse photos, play slide show, etc.  But the only two we could click on were browse photos and exit.
    And when we hit the browse photos option, nothing happened.
    We tried it several times with the same result.
    There was no 8 year old around to solve our problem. so we used Dan's wife Linda's laptop and paraded around the room with the pictures displayed on that.
    Not ideal, but it was a small crowd.
    If we had a proper cord, we could have tried hooking the computer to the tv...but who travels with extra cords?  Next time I will!
    In the end, people said they enjoyed the talk and the pictures.  I enjoyed talking and eating, two of my favorite activities.
    We have another "gig" in July.  I will be sure I know how to run the equipment for that one!

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