Thursday, April 13, 2017

so little time

If WW III starts while I'm asleep, I'll be pissed

     I keep thinking of all the things I wanted to do, like visit California before nukes.  Just don't think it will have the same look afterward.
     I know, TD you are supposed to be funny,  not so darned serious.  And scary.
     I haven't gotten the basement cleaned out yet.  That is important to do before the end comes.  Yes, it matters.  The next generation of cyborgs will wonder what the hell was wrong with me.  Postcards, train tracks, old stuff, three pillars that don't fit in the house, 186 rolls of toilet paper, 72 rolls of paper towels.  And a partridge in a pear tree.  All gathering dust in the lower part of the house.
     You can't deal with an unstable leader, one who seems to be all over the place with the truth and ego fulfillment.  And then you have the guy in North Korea.
     I will have nightmares for the next 12 years, or the rest of my life, whichever comes first.
     And I have a sense that the Mother of All Bombs dropped today on the crazy people in Afghanistan will inspire a new round of "mother of all...." claims.
     A big baby?  The Mother of all Babies.
     A new car?  The Mother of all Cars.
     Huge rainfall?   The Mother of all Rainfalls.
     An Addison Russell homer?  The Mother of all Homers.
     Mother Teresa?  The Mother of all Mothers.
     Which reminds me.  In high school I was not one of the "in" kids.  I was generally in the category you might call shy loner.  Some of us formed a club in our junior year.
     In my high school there were all sorts of clubs with Greek Names.  Mu Alpha Theta was the Math Club, Deltas were the cheerleaders...birds of a feather tended to flock together.
     But a bunch of us didn't really have a group.  Shy people, a minority, the smartest girl in the school, the biggest guy in the school, funny people, smart people, out side the box people.
     So we formed our own club, even got a staff member to sponsor it.  I believe it was the only club he ever sponsored.  There was a rumor going around that he was also a member of the Communist Party, so that may have been why he took to us.
     We named our club Mu Theta Alpha.....and we called ourselves "The Mathaaas".
     When we had our class picture, we all wore black except for our one minority member, he wore white.  And I think they made our mascot take off her Playboy bunny ears and tail, but that was what she wanted to do after high school.
      We thought it was tremendously cool to do that.
      Kids....go figure.
     Happy memories to drift off to sleep with, perchance to dream of a world that no longer exists.

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