Monday, April 17, 2017

just saying ....

It was a pretty nice Easter for me

    Nice church experience, great food, visiting with family, but I wish I could have said hello to Julia and Mike and his family.  We were so  busy, it was too late when we got home.
    Today was pretty nice also, but I did have a United Way meeting from 1-5:30.     It is really tough when so many deserving agencies ask for more money than is available.
    That is a sobering experience and has put me in a reflective mood.
    That saying.... I did have an ego building experience today.
    Jackie and I were at a function when a total stranger looked at me and said,
"Aren't you the guy in the paper?"  And his wife said, "You are Terry Dickow."
    Now if you read the Rochelle paper you know I do a column  twice a month and the picture is small....sometimes I  can't even tell it's me.  And this 83 year old with cataracts in both eyes recognized me.
    I was surprised.
    And I drove home with the window open in the car because my head was having a hard time fitting in.

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