Friday, April 28, 2017

busy days......

I can't believe retirement

     I am busier now than I ever was.  When you have free time, it fills.  Someone said nature abhors a vacuum.
    Well, sometimes vacuums suck!
    Between doctor appointments, hair appointments, car appointments and appointment appointments, I don't have many free days.
    Yet, I keep saying yes to things.
     So.....I am cutting back on my commitments!  Yes, that's right.  Roll your eyes.
     But I am.
     Just to show you how serious I am, just call me and ask us out to dinner.  I guarantee we will say no.  Really.  Just call us.  Please.
     By the way, sometimes I don't tell the truth.
     And Exit 99 is making a comeback.  We're meeting next week. And probably several times after that.   But that is a fun time, so maybe it doesn't count.
     Curses commitments!

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