Thursday, April 27, 2017

it's Tuesday today!

I sometimes get distracted

    I mentioned my history walk in Monday's little effort and said I would talk about it Tuesday.  I forgot and have not been able to sleep since.
    Well, I'm talking about it, so today is Tuesday.
    I am going to lead a history walk around downtown Rochelle for the Flagg Township Museum.
    I am calling it Rochelle Then and Now.  It will have some information, some non information, and be entertaining.  I hope.
    Wifey thinks I am crazy.  She doesn't think any one will come.  News for her, Emily or John is going to bring her to the first one, so there will be at least two people.  I don't count.  (Well, maybe someone will bring her.....)
    We cover about a mile, starting at the museum and winding our way through the downtown area.
    The walks start at 5:30 on the second Friday of the month, to go along with the Second Friday promotion downtown businesses have.  I hope to be done in about 45 minutes, but I do talk a little too much sometimes.
    At the end of the walk a donation bucket will be passed around.  People hopefully will put in money and not take it out.  All the proceeds go to the museum.
    Honestly, I don't know what to expect.  I hope it will be entertaining and informative, for me and for the people that attend.
    Lots of small towns in Europe have walking tours.  Sometimes they are ghost tours, or watchman tours, and they always draw a crowd.  Of course those are in Europe and generally in  areas more touristy than Rochelle.
    I will be doing them starting in May and ending in October, although the October one will probably be on a Saturday.
    Hopefully people will try it, like it, tell friends and it will become a thing to do.
    Whew!  Now I can sleep better. Heck, I may not even wake up until Friday!

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