Sunday, April 23, 2017


I just had a busy but nice weekend

     We got to visit Jackie's brother and sister in law from California and the whole crew of Jackie's at a niece's house.  Malnati's deep dish pizza, good conversation and catching up with relatives we don't see often enough....great times.
     Time goes buy so quickly.
     Also spent time working on the church garden along with some NIU students from two sororities.  I was on my best behavior.  I was a little surprised when some of then said they had never seen a strawberry plant.  Then again, why would they?
     Today we had Bob and Anita out for lunch and a final visit before they head out on the road again.
     Of course, the Cubs lost, which ruined an almost perfect day.  I did not burn the meat, although one piece was a little dark.  And I talked to Julia and my twin nieces, who celebrated turning 16 today.
     Now it's time to sit, relax, read a little....and then go to bed.  I think I will have happy dreams.

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