Monday, April 6, 2015

keep, keep, keep, toss.....

Jackie and I went through three boxes today!

     After two, or even three years, of things boxed up, we have started going through boxes.
     The age old question...toss, or keep?
     She has no problem tossing stuff.  I, on the other hand.
     Look at this fine array:

     In case you are curious, let me run you through my dilemma.  On the left is my second baseman's mitt.  It is a Wilson Nellie Fox  model and I bought it when I was in eighth grade.  Sure, it is a little stiff, but some oil will loosen that up.  And I may play again.  Someday.
     There are two bottles of moon rocks.  Yes, moon rocks.  There were some twin boys in my class in grade school and they gave them to me.  The Lee brothers.  John or Frank will remember them, I think their parents  ran a restaurant on Ashland.  They gave me these rocks and said they were moon rocks.  I have saved them ever since seventh or eighth grade.  I never thought about how two elementary school kids got ahold of moon rocks.  And I am gullible.  But what if they really are?
     Log Cabin syrup bottles....need I say more.  There are two of them, both from the bicentennial year, which makes them older than most people I know.
     How about those liquor bottles.  I just think they are neat.

     See what I mean?  It's a neat bottle.  And it was 25 proof!!
     And she suggested I get rid of the ukulele.....the nerve!
     We did agree on a bunch of stuff we no longer want or need.  I am putting it in boxes for a gigantic last time I will ever do this garage sale.    Hopefully in July.
     But this was a start today.
     Lots of the boxes have antiquey type things.  (I know that's not a word and spell check will really freak on it.)  Ceramic bowls, postcards, children's Golden Books, 78 rpm records.....things I know won't sell at a garage sale.  That will be my next challenge.  Maybe if Linda is reading this she will realize the two of us can cobble enough stuff for a booth at Kane County one weekend.  And if anyone else is interested, let me know.
     Three boxes down.
     I counted 32 left.
     It's gonna be a long spring.

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