Sunday, April 19, 2015

don't we have one of those?

I hoard the wrong stuff

     A couple in England bought a Beanie Baby at a garage sale.  Experts say the doll is worth over $50,000 in American money.
     It's a limited first edition Princess Diana purple bear.  Not a lot were made, so they  have become very valuable.
     So why do other people have all the luck?
     I save stuff...lots of stuff.
     But none of it is worth $50,000.  Or maybe even $50.  But I still save it.
     I have a stack of comic books....not in good shape.  I bet I don't have a single winner in the pile.  They are probably all Archie and Jughead editions anyway.  (To be truthful, as a young boy I had a crush on Veronica...good looking and rich!  My kind of girl, in my 13 year old mind.  Come to think of it, Betty was pretty sharp too!)
     I have some sliver dollars in the safe deposit box.  I always thought I would collect big on those, but so far, I have not.  It is kind of funny when the bank person takes the box out and it falls to the floor because there are 50 silver dollars in it.  I have taken to warning them the box is heavy.
     I also have an 1893 half dollar from the World's Colombian Expedition.  It's work $5.
     I just don't save the right stuff.
     So now my goal is to get a booth at Kane County for the weekend flea market.  A couple of people have mentioned they are also interested in selling stuff.
     Therein lies the dilemma.  Part with my sled?  Sell my steroptoscope?
     Emily just went through a decluttering process.....ok, maybe having your home obliterated by a tornado and your whole life turned upside down and your possessions destroyed and scattered by a 200 mph wind is not an actual decluttering process.
     But it was a reminder that some stuff Jackie and I do have is way more valuable than a $50,000 Beanie Baby.
     That's a reminder we won't forget.

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