Thursday, April 16, 2015

hmmm....could it be me

I think I noticed a shortcoming

     You can stop pretending shock.  You all know I have several shortcomings.
     I am a blubberer.  That's right.  I am a guy who is not afraid to shed tears.  This last week I have shed a lot of tears, sometimes for no reason at all, sometimes for thankfulness, sometimes in gratitude for the people who have showered my daughter and her fiancee with love.  Sometimes out of loss.
     I read "Where the Red Fern Grows" once to my fifth graders.  I cried and never read it again.  Same with "Walk Two Moons."  Both are great kids books, but I just can't read them to a class.
     When Julia left the first time, I blubbered for a week or two.  Now I am down to a blubbering mess until I hit the Starbucks on the 294 oasis from the airport.
     When Emily went to Drake, I cried.  When Julia went to Blackburn, I cried.  (True Story:  Jackie said I needed to just say goodbye and walk away.  That was fine advice, until she put Emily in a bear hug and I had to pry her away from her baby and guide her because she was crying so hard she could not see.  At least I wait until we are driving down the highway to not be able to see.  That doesn't sound safe, does it?)
    Sometimes a sad movie brings a tear to my eye.  So does filing a tax return.
    Or getting a shot.
     Sometimes I blubber and get hungry.  That explains why I have packed it on the last few days.  I think the scale said, "OOOmph" when I got on this morning, and it is not a talking scale.
     I guess having pie for breakfast will do that.
     I have to pull my big boy panties up and stop the crying and the eating and the endless staring into space.
     We survived.  All of us.  We are surrounded by people who care about us.  All of us.  We are rebuilding.  All of us.
     Life is good.
     Damn, where's the tissue when I need it.  Who hid the cookies??

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