Wednesday, April 29, 2015

life is a whirlwind

I have had a busy couple of days

     I went to my first Ice Hogs game tonight.  It was a playoff clincher; 3-2 in OT.
     I had gone to a Blackhawks game earlier in life.
     Much earlier.  Glenn Hall was the goalie.  Hall was goalie in the early 60s.  (We had black and white TV.  I was the remote.)
     I remember going to a game at the Chicago Stadium.  We had standing room only tickets.  My   brother Dennis took me so I am surprised the outing did not include underage drinking.  The hockey crowd was mostly male and they all seemed to wear fedoras and smoke cigars.  I remember the arena being clouded in a sea of smoke.
     I actually was thinking of Hall today.  A friend is starting a new job and admitted to being nervous. She is competent, organized, and will do well.  But she said she was nervous.  I told her nervous is good, and mentioned Glenn Hall said he threw up before every game due to nerves.
     However, I advised her not to throw up her first day on the new job.
     To be honest, I am not a big fan of hockey.  I don't like the fighting.  Little kids watch that and get it in their heads that the only way to solve a problem is to fight.  The world does too much fighting now.  I think when a fight is about to break out, the players should exchange flowers instead. Or something besides punches.  Maybe insults.  Or stares. Or haikus.
     But fighting seems to ebb during playoff games.  So I do watch the Hawks, sometimes.  I want them to win, but I am not a rabid fan.
     The Ice Hogs game was pretty good.  Food was expensive, as it always is in a sports venue.  But the parking was cheap and the entertainment good.
     The place was not packed, despite this being a playoff clinching victory.  They go on to the next round in their quest for the Calder Cup.  That must be the Stanley Cup's little brother.  Or cousin.
     I do have trouble following the puck is a fast game.
     But I have trouble following the stone in curling.
     Anyway, for a first was pretty cool.
     This has been a busy week, with three volunteer gigs, a committee meeting, delivery of my new patio furniure, a heart doc's visit tomorrow and the zoo Friday.
       It's lucky I don't have a job, because I am really too busy to work.

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