Friday, April 17, 2015

that was ..... weird

This was a weird kind of day

     I was at the zoo today, and it felt weird to be away from home.  It also felt good to be in a normal routine.
     But things didn't go exactly according to plan.
     When I got home, I took the dogs out and brought two of them in, keeping Pearl out for a while.
     When I brought her in, Jackie was standing guard over some chocolate she dropped.
     I bent over to pick up a square piece, a square piece and a round piece.
     "What kind of chocolate is this," I asked, holding the round ball  in my hand.
     "That's not chocolate!" she said, stating the obvious.
      I have washed my hands 63 times since then and even used a fork to eat supper.
      I think little Pearl must drop chunks....cause I found another little golf ball size morsel later.
     Now understand, I eat anything I find on the floor.  With me, it's more a three day rule than 5 seconds.
     Thank the food gods I did not pop that ball into my mouth.
     Since Emily lost most of her reusable bags, I thought I would be a nice dad and buy some so we don't end up with 1,000 plastic bags.
     (By the way, since the price of oil has dropped, plastic bags are no longer considered part of the profitable recycle stream.  Most of them are buried in landfills because it is cheaper to make them new.  A few, depending on the grade, are recycled, but many are not.  Reusable bags are a good option.)
     I have some Reisenthen mini maxi shopping bags.  I bought them several years ago.  They were about $6 a bag.  Mine are red and come in a handy little carrying sack.  They hold 26 pounds and are great!
     So I looked for some on line tonight.
     I found them on Amazon.  $52 a bag.  I about dropped my teeth!
     Seems they are retro and popular.  Plus they are no longer imported to the states.
     I did find out that they are sold at the Manor in Vevey, where Julia lives.  I have asked her to pick up a few if the price is right!
     And that gives me one more reason to board an airplane, sit strapped in for 8 hours, eating food that tastes less than delicious and thank my lucky stars I can.

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