Friday, April 24, 2015

woof, woof, bow wow, woof.....

I forgot what it's like to have a dog

     Actually 3 dogs.  Emily, John and the pack are camping with us for a while.
     The dogs are really good.  But there are three of them.
     I discovered I can only walk two at a time.  So I have Jackie hold Pearl, the smallest dog, on a leash while I walk the two Great Danes.
     I hope Bennett does not read this.....and don't tell him.  He likes privacy when he poops!  He won't go while on a leash.  He has to be away from people before he does his duty.  Luckily, he is so scared he does not wander far from Cooper.  After he is finished, he jumps up and down and races back to   Cooper and whomever is holding that leash.
     Cooper is not shy at all.  He is also the biggest pest in the group.
     Yesterday Jackie found him asleep with Jackie's stuffed dog in his mouth!  He managed to snag it off a shelf and chew on it for awhile, then he fell asleep, with an arm curled over the stuffed animal.  If it wasn't so cute, he'd be in trouble.
     We won't talk about food on the counter.  I had a little blueberry pie on the stove.  Left the kitchen for a few minutes and when I got back, only the aluminum pan was left.  Hopefully the plastic wrap will pass in the morning.
     Pearl is a stander.  She will just stand an look around and it takes a mountain to move her.  That is fine when it is nice, but tonight when it was raining it wasn't much of a blast. She stands in doorways, in hallways, in front of the food bowl when you are trying to fill it...... completely oblivious to what is going on.
     I wonder what is going through their little brains.  After all, they survived an EF 4 tornado, so the next storm should be interesting for their reaction.
      It has been a while since we had a dog in the house.
     Truthfully, we are thinking of getting on, a small one that Jackie can handle.  But time will tell if that works out.
      In the meantime, we are getting our practice times three.
     And we are grateful they are all with us.

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