Thursday, April 23, 2015

I spy....again

I don't see as well as I used to

     Small print is a problem.  Print in a dark area is a problem.  Either my arms are too short, or the print is too small.
     So now I keep a magnifying glass handy.  The way things go, I probably should have a couple near by.
     For instance, Jackie lost the back of an earring today.  I found it right away.  Actually, she found it and pointed at it, but I picked it up.
     I have a Cutco knife that is broken.  I want to send it back, but he number on it is virtually invisible to the magnifying glass less eye, so I had to use the glass to get the right number.  Who breaks a knife anyway?  It is an expensive knife, and guaranteed for life.  So if I send it in, they will replace it.
     How does that relate to my eyesight?
     Follow along, Sherlock, and you'll see.
     I got the information on line.  The mechanical pencil I was using ran out of lead.  I opened the  container of leads and dropped the lid.    I could not find it.  Tonight, when I slipped out of the chair,      I found it.
     How did I slip out of the chair?
     I dropped a raisin and was looking for it.  I did not see it, so I scooched forward in the chair and slid onto the floor.  But I found the raisin and the top to the lead.  A profitable experience.
     If my eyesight was perfect, I would have seen the raisin and not slipped out of the chair.  I would have found the lid and not had to use Scotch Tape to seal the container.
     Another perk of aging.....sore body, failing eyesight, lousy hearing and a memory that is like a sieve.
     And speaking of memory, I forgot where I put my magnifying glass.

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