Wednesday, April 8, 2015

what the heck happened

I was looking for a coaster by the computer today

     The kind you put your hot tea on so it does not leave marks on the furniture.  We have a hand woven one in the den, which is great because I always have a cup of tea there at night, and frequently a cup of coffee there in the after noon.
     So I looked for it.
     The next thing I knew, this:

     It started simply enough.  All I had to do was go through a pile of papers and find the damn coaster!
     But noooooooo.  That wasn't good enough, was it?
     I looked through every drawer, every folder, every notebook and never found the coaster.
     Oh yes, I had a lot of recycled paper.  (By the way, recycling day is tomorrow.  What are the odds that my tub of paper will stay upright in the cyclonic winds forecast for tomorrow?  Last time this happened I ran all over the neighborhood picking up paper.)
     And I had a lot of paper to shred.  There was a lot of stuff to throw out too.
     I started at 9:30.  By 1 I was pretty tired and it was time to let the dogs out anyway, so I took a two hour break and ran some errands.
     I came home and went back to work, this time enlisting Jackie on the project.  We have bills of sale from our house on Southview, which was 1981.  We have a bill of sale from our house on Mill Pond , which we sold in 1982.  And a bill of sale for our Skare Court house, which sold in 2012.
     I insisted we save those.  But we tossed out lots of other unnecessary paper.
     I found some great recipes we had stuffed in a drawer, along with 5 Metra schedules for the Elburn to Chicago run, some pictures and a whole stack of notebooks, mostly with one or two pages written in them.
     That's what happens to people like me.  We can't focus on a task.  We lose interest, get bored, or just plain get distracted.
     In the end, two tasks were accomplished.
     First, I found the coaster.  It was in the garbage can, at the bottom, for some strange reason.
    Second, I cleaned up the desk.  Mostly.

     Yes, I still have a small stack.  But it is small.  And tomorrow, I will work on that.
     Unless something distracts me.  Like a storm.

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