Saturday, April 11, 2015

A funny thing happened on my way to Kansas

I know it's not funny, but....

    What the people in my neighborhood went through was a nightmare.  Lost homes and pets.  Lives turned upside down.  Yet, there was some funny stuff going on too.
     Like Emily's interview with the Chicago tv station.  (2, I believe)  The reporter asked all kinds of questions, they talked for 10 minutes at least.  Emily teared up when talking about the two dogs she lost.  She teared up at the outpouring of support from the community.
     Here she was.  No home, no clothes.  Nothing.
     Then John found the dryer, filled with clean clothes.  But he couldn't get it open.
     John grabs a shovel and bangs on the door, sharing it and getting Emily's clothes.
     Which happen to be underwear.
     So what do they show?  John banging on the dryer and Emily saying, "Oh great, underwear."
     It was funny.
     Somebody drove a golf cart over Emily's lawn and yelled, :"Hope I don't ruin the grass."
     Jodi down the street wants to flood her basement for a pool.
     Two years ago I bought patio furniture.  For two years it sat in my garage.  When the patio got done last Thursday, I waited two days and put the furniture out Sunday.  I moved my super neat Weber gas grill out to the patio, with the help of Emily and John.
     Friend Mary Kay comes over, Jackie says, "Look at the patio. It's beautiful."
     Mary Kay looks at it and asks, "When are you putting your furniture out?"
     I drove around the neighborhood looking for four chairs and a table.  Nothing.
     Then I noticed the brown wood in the yard.  And across the street.  And on the street.
     It's like a jigsaw puzzle that won't be put together.
     It cost me almost $100 a day to use it as patio furniture.  I sat on it once.
     My grill is damaged....but I don't know how badly it is and what I need to do to get it working.
     And there's my $3.50 nine pane window I bought at an Amish hardware store 5 years ago.  I plan to use it for pictures....putting 8 x 10s in each pane.
     Unfortunately, it was in Emily's basement.
     Fortunately, it survived.
     Unfortunately, it got put in the trash heap.
     Fortunately, I found it.
     In fact, most of the stuff we salvaged from Emily's basement was Julia's, or mine.
     Now it's all in my garage, waiting to be sorted.
     And I know where most of it is basement!

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