Sunday, April 26, 2015

where does the time go?

I went to the zoo volunteer dinner tonight

     My friend and co volunteer Donna was honored for 40 years of service.
     Imagine that!  40 years!!
     In order for me to be a 40 year award winner, I will have to be......100 years old.  I don't think that will be possible.
     Of course, there were three women who were honored for service who were all in their 90s.  One woman could not make it to the dinner..... she had two other events to go to.  She was 92.
     I always enjoy the dinner, although to be honest I don't do a lot of talking.  This year was a little different.  Donna got to invite friends to sit at her table, and Jacki and I, along with five other play zoo people got to sit with her.
     There were 2 people honored for 40 years, 1 for 35 and 9 for 30 years of service.
     To me that is amazing, to volunteer your time for such a long period.
     So hats off to the zoo volunteers.  And hats off to everyone who volunteers their time for a cause or charity.
    And if you don't volunteer, do it now.  Don't wait until you are 60 and realize how much you have missed out on.
     With that, good night and peace.

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