Wednesday, April 22, 2015

I really had that, I swear!

I have thought about a list of possessions

     Emily is going through the process of listing everything she lost in the recent tornado.
     I think everyone should do the same, and store the data somewhere safe, like maybe a bank safety deposit box locked in a vault encased in a minimum of four feet of concrete.  Or maybe in your freezer.
     I would list my valuables first.
     Wine.  I have several bottles of wine from Switzerland and from Italy that are quite good.  I don't remember the price, but I should list them.  There is a chance (a very good chance) I will drink them before any disaster hits the house, but hey!  I'll be prepared.
     Hardware.  I have at least 10 pounds of assorted nails, screws, bolts and washers.  Granted, they are all different sizes, shapes, uses....but they are my possessions.  They must be valuable because I have had them for years! Do I inventory them one at a time?
     Tea.  I have 17 boxes of tea in my pantry.  I like tea.  Most boxes have only 1 or 2 bags, but they are important to my life!  My evening cup is usually a decaf, but I do have some kick butt Earl Gray that is wonderful for an afternoon pick me up!
     Pens.  I have a collection of pens from various agencies.  If you have a business in northern Illinois, chances are I have a pen of yours.  Speaking of pens, I have a Pilot Dr. Grip gel writer pen that is out of ink.  I used that pen when I taught school and it just ran out two weeks ago.  I stopped teaching in 2008......and am looking for refills for the pen.  I also have three mechanical pencils I use for my Sunday Trib crosswords.....and I have plenty of refills for them.  Those are also from my teaching days.  Yes, I have a problem parting with stuff...which makes it valuable, I think.  Or maybe I am just cheap.
     Wires.  I have a box of wires and cables in my closet.  I have no idea what they are for.  I assume some day I will need one, so I can't get rid of them.  Of course, I have not used one from the box since we moved in two years ago, but I know they are important.  Maybe I will find the cord for my camera that allows me to directly download pictures instead of using a card reader, which doesn't work anymore.  So I load pictures on my one computer, put them on a memory stick, then move them to my main computer, where I never look at them again.
     At this point in the process, I would lose interest and move on to another job.
     So I guess I will ask Jackie to take charge of listing the valuables.
     I think her list will be way different than mine.

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