Monday, April 13, 2015

now it's time to say goodnight.....

Tonight I am tired

     I imagine some of the stress has worn off.  I know there is a lot of work to be done in the community still.  There is a lot of sorting for Emily and John to do also.  I will help them as much as I can, but I do tend to over save.
     The generosity of the people keeps pouring in.  Prairieview waived the boarding fees for the three dogs and some other vet bills.  Tails picked up the cremation costs for the two dogs.  And some of the vet clinic's staff even came to help triage clothes and most importantly, brought some kick butt cupcakes.
     And our friends......bringing food, helping tote filthy boxes, sorting clothes, offering food, spending hours doing laundry, helping me do laundry,(I think a couple of people were worried about my plan to do all the laundry at one time at a laundromat.  OK, so I forgot drier sheets.  And I did not realize how long it took to fold clothes ... I think I could have been there all night!).
     If I had to make a list of all the people that helped us, I would fail to name everyone.  It has been such an incredible journey.
     Yet sometimes I feel a little guilty.
     Are others getting the help they need?  Do they have the support network we have?  And why am I blessed with such great people in my life?  Why does Emily have such super friends?
     I shared a video on Facebook of the tornado.
     Friends, it was one big, ugly storm.
     But what people are doing for us, and for others in the community and in Fairdale is truly the silver lining in the cloud.
     I think tonight I will sleep pretty soundly.  My baby is safe, her beau is safe, the dogs are home, my wife is still walking, my Swiss daughter is safely back from a trip that scared the heck out of me and the Cubs won.
     It's a perfect storm for sleep ..... excuse the pun.

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