Saturday, April 18, 2015 one

I got kind of dirty today

     Not that kind of dirty, all you perverted people who know me so very well.
     Dirty as in going through stuff in your garage dirty.
     First off, there is insulation and broken glass in almost every tub of stuff Emily had in the basement.  Even tubs with lids on tight had insulation in them.  Freakin' amazing.
     I decided to salvage the gorilla rack shelving units that used to be in her basement.  I will say they go together easier than they go apart!.  Steve M. helped me.  I think I drove him crazy.  Every time I hammered on the shelf, I was hitting the wrong way.  He must have told me 10 times that I was pounding wrongly.
     But apart they did come.  These racks are super strong and expensive.  She had two in her basement and they run probably $150 each.  We were able to salvage one of them.  The other was too badly bent.
     Back at home the crew was going through boxes and tubs like crazy people.  They may have tired of hearing me say, "That's mine....I want it."  Or, "That's Julia's.  Maybe save it."
     We found lots of Nestle antique type stuff that we figured Julia would want one day.  We also found some pots and pans, and coincidentally I know a couple of people who can use them.
     Emily and John will be renting a house in town.  It is a ranch with a four foot high chain link fence.  It will allow the dogs to go out without a leash, (something I am never allowed to do) but they will have to be watched closely (like me).
     We now have several garage piles:  things to sell at a garage sale; things to sell from an antique booth at a flea market; things to put in the basement; things that we don't have a clue about.
     We found a golf club.  No one golfs.  We think it belongs to next door Adam.  We have to ask him about the scenic pictures of a sea shore...nobody seemed to recognize them.
     So far we know the mower is totalled, the tread mill is a goner, the elliptical may be a loss, and the push mower, string trimmer, and snow blower may be in some field somewhere.
     Which makes me wonder:  Where does all the stuff go?  Emily had a huge white fence, don't you think it would be seen somewhere?
     Or is it all just pulverized by the swirling winds?
     Inquiring minds want to know.

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