Tuesday, April 14, 2015

a brief moment on top

The Cubs were in first place!

     Granted, it is early in the season.  But for one night, they were actually in first place.
     Now that may not be amazing to Cardinals fans, who are used to being in first place, but for a Cub fan, it's a treat!
     The Trib this morning said it was the first time since the 2009 season the Cubs have been two games over 500.  That is 5 years of frustration!  Bad hitting, terrible pitching, lousy fielding... wasn't it Leo the Lip who said, "Any team can have a bad century."
     The wait is over.  This is the season.  The time is now.
     No more wait 'till next year........this is the year.
     Oh sure, they dropped one tonight and are now out of first place.
     But it was nice....I wore a Cubs shirt today and announced several times these are the First Place Chicago Cubs.
     At least I got to say that this decade.  And I know I will be saying it in August...and September...and hopefully, October.
     And people say I am a pessimist!

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