Friday, April 3, 2015


Pardon my rant

      I am heading north on Caron Road near Walmart when some guy rolls through the stop sign from Wallyworld and pulls in front of me.  He then proceeds to drive 30 mph until he hits the stop sign at Caron and Flagg.  Now, this is an L intersection.  He rolled through the Walmart sign, but he comes to a complete, full stop and looks in all directions before pulling out and doing 35!!
      At Flagg Road and Center Road I was going straight on Flagg and assumed the lady opposite me was too!  Never assume!!  Fool that I was, the turn signal on her beater car must not have worked because she pulled out and turned left  in front of me!!
      And when merging on an expressway, do not stop in traffic to let a car merge....move over into the empty lane!  Holy criminy Pete I thought I'd need new underwear on that one!
      There was a driver near  the zoo who either was stupid or was hard to tell.  He moved to the left lane, then the right, then the left, then made a really neat right, left, right in quick succession.....
      And it's not only here.  A woman in Nevada is upset because she got a ticket for distracted driving because she was putting on her makeup while motoring down the road.
     What is wrong with people???!
     Tailgating, lane weaving, texting, on the phone, not paying attention....holy cow Batman, you are driving a 2,000 vehicle.  Pay attention!!
       I used to not worry about saluting a fellow driver who had done something particularly stupid, but with so many people packing heat, I  don't even think about it anymore!  And I am not the only one, no one has flipped me off either because I think they think I look like the kind of nut who would open fire over a minor insult.
     Even reading it again, it doesn't make sense.
     Great.  Now I'm tired.  And riled up, so I won't get to sleep.
      But I will have sweet dreams about cutting into a French Silk Pie Emily and John brought me tonight.  If they come over about 1 p.m., I'll share with them.

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