Sunday, April 5, 2015

be positve, be positive, be positive

My wife says I am a pessimist

     But she is wrong.
     There are many things I am positive about, but things happen.
     I am positive I will win the lottery.  Ok, the odds are like 6 billion to one, but somebody eventually wins, so why not me?  I am optimistic about my chances!
     The Cubs are the team in 015.  I am positive they will make the playoffs.  I am an optimist.  Then I watch them play and reality sets in a little bit.  But I am positive they will win 90 games this year.  Sure, they may only win 80, but I know they can do better.  I am thinking positive.
    I know I can take my tool apart.  Sure, it may have a sealed motor, but there has to be a way to get it open.  I am positive there is.  I know the company said take it to an authorized dealer, but I know that the repair will cost more than the unit!  I am positive I can fix it.  Oh sure, I have broken more things in life than I have fixed, but I am positive on this one.
     By the way......when a pressure washer comes with directions that are in really large print, like this:

Don't leave your pressure washer in an unheated garage over the winter.

     It generally means to put your pressure washer in the basement for the winter.  I used it, then stuck it in the garage, even though the directions said in several places not to store it in the garage in winter.  I am positive I did not empty the washer and the interior tank cracked.  I am positive I can fix it.  I am positive I am an idiot for not following their directions.
     But I digress.
     I am also positive the 201 reading on the scale this morning was a mistake.  Just two weeks ago I was at 196.  I am positive all the food at the cast party had no affect on my weight.  And Will or Jeannette, if you are reading this, that cake was absolutely delicious.  But six pieces was too many.
And Doug, the triple chocolate bundt cake was super yummy!  Thank you for leaving it for Jackie's birthday.  Did I mention Emily and John went to the Greenfire Grill in Rockford the other night and brought a French Silk pie for me?  I am positive it is delicious.  We all had some yesterday, I had some more today.  And some more today.  And I am positive none of that is affecting my weight.
     I am also positive I will start exercising.  And Renee, I am positive I have said that before.
     See?  All positives!!
     And I am positive all the people  who like this blog will share it with all their friends.
     Now I have to go to bed.  I am positively beat after watching the Cubs get shut out, and the pie has made my fingers sticky.

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