Monday, April 27, 2015

I am going to feel powerless

We will lose power tomorrow

     No, not a storm or disaster.  The county is widening Flagg Road where it intersects with Center Road because of all the trucks that have trouble turning.  The utility poles are being moved, so we lose power.
     Living in the country, that's a big deal.
     We can't flush.  Our wells run on electricity.  No power, no flush.
     I usually put a couple of gallons away.....just in case.  Our toilets use 1.5 gallons, so we have two flushes with three gallons.
     As Uncle Jim used to say, "If it's yellow, let it mellow; if it's brown, flush 'er down."
     Losing power is also a drag for several reasons.
     We have to reset the microwave, oven and alarm clock.
     I have to reset the timers for the water softener and on demand water heater.  (It generally shuts off at 11 p.m. and restarts at 6.  Getting hot water in between those times is a lengthy process.)
     I think the TV resets itself, since it is hooked into Comcast.
     I will be in DeKalb during the outage, but Jackie will be home.
     I feel sorry for TV, no lights, no flush.....could be a long morning.
     It also means no garage door openers.  Sometimes that is hard to remember.
     During the tornado, I had to put a step ladder under the  garage door because it would not stay up. I did not want to have to keep pulling it up and down...that can be tiring.   That was fine until I needed the ladder.
     It all makes me think of the pioneers who did not have power to start with.  Bed must have been whenever it got dark, waking must have been when it got light.  Whittling must have been a popular recreational activity.
     Hopefully it does only last the four hours they say.

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