Wednesday, April 30, 2014

It was so empty it was full

Technology continues to baffle me

     I wanted to get a print of a picture I have on the computer.  I took the picture.  I downloaded it from my camera.  I have looked at the picture several times.
     So tonight, when I am tired and in a hurry because to do it otherwise would take some form of planning and I don't plan, I clicked on the picture and dragged it to my photo folder.  I found another picture.  I clicked on it and dragged it to my photo folder.
    Then I went to the Walgreen photo site to order two prints.  Clicked on the photo folder and there was only one picture.  I don't have any idea where the other one is.  I clicked on the one photo and get the message:  photo file empty.
    Huh, saiz I to myself.  I go back to the photo library, find the photo, look at the photo, click on it and drag it to the photo pholder.  (A little dig at the English language for making it so darn hard to spell sometimes.)  Click on it in the photo folder and get the message:  photo file empty.
    Huh, saiyz I, a second time.  So I go back to the photo library, click on the photo and get a black screen.  Totally black.  Like space.  Only smaller.  And not expanding.
    Click back on the picture, there it is.  Click on the edit button, black screen.  Click get the drift.
    Why is the photo file empty where there is clearly a photo in it?
    Why is the photo black when I edit where there is clearly a photo?
    Why isn't it physh instead of fish?
    A process that should have taken 5 minutes is now going onto 15.  I am tired. (Don't give me that crap I am retired and should be plenty rested because I don't do anything all day.)  I am frustrated and I want to get it done.
     So I again open the photo in the photo library and drag the damn thing unedited to the desktop, where it is easily uploaded (or downloaded, not sure.  Know it's not sideways loaded) to the Walgreen site where I can order a print.
     I find the second photo, which tried to run away but only made it back to the photo album, move it to the desktop, down/up/side load it to the Walgreen site and order prints.
     That was 25 minutes I'll never get back.
    Now, I am going to bed.  What prints, prince.

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