Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Another milestone!!

This blog has over 4,000 views!!

     Wow!  I never expected that many people to read it.  I also never expected to be in the first week of April and still finding things to write about.
     Well, usually.  But tonight isn't one of those days.  My mind is kind of foggy, my thoughts are not very clear.  I think I even had a hallucination that the Cubs scored some runs and actually came back to tie a game.
     I spent some time today cutting out pictures for the zoo......mind numbing work that I seemed to handle very well.  The pictures are used when kids do craft projects.
     Other than that, I did not do anything or even think.
     Another hallucination.  Rizzo hit a home run for a Cubs lead.  That can't be true.  Must be the cough syrup.
     Anyway, thank you all for reading and commenting on the posts.
     Now I'm going to have some tea with honey and go to bed.

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