Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Let's play two today!

I love going to Wrigley Field

     Was at my first game of 2014 today, along with buddies Dan and John and we had a great time for 8 innings!
      Seriously, the only thing wrong with a Wrigley trip is the bullpen.  The Cubs had the game in the bag.  I sat there in the bottom of the eighth clutching my large W flag.  John decided to beat the crowd home and left.  Dan and I sat in the freezing cold, reveling in the Cubs win on Wrigley's 100th birthday.
      A three game winning streak... only three outs away.
      The first series win since last fall..... only three outs away.
     A win for Samardzija.... only three outs away.
     And the bull pen self implodes.  Pedro throws at least 30 pitches before getting an out.  Error at short.  Bad hop at second.  Great attempt at a fly to right that injures the right fielder while the ball falls out of his glove.
      Runners crossing the plate in an endless line.  Five of them.
      The cheers turn to boos.
      We have seen this many, many times.
      But a day at Wrigley is still special.  the Reuben hot dog, one of the decade dogs on sale all year, was actually good. We were there early enough to get the give a way Federals jersey and the Jewel cup cake, both of which could be found on E-Bay hours after the game.
     Which raises some questions:  Who would buy a cupcake on eBay?  Who would sell a cupcake on eBay?  How much would it bring?  Why didn't I think of it?
     Evidently several people would sell one.  There were three listed, one for $75, one for $100 and one for $4.99.  I gave mine to Jackie.  I am hoping to convince she will eat a $100 cupcake!
    The free Federal jerseys were on sale all over eBay for anywhere from $49 to $81.  Mine is still in the bag.....I won't be selling it.  Unless I get a great offer.
     I missed the Wrigley Cake by Carlos the world renowned cake maker.  I did see pictures.
     We walked around the outside of Wrigley after the game, looking at the mural pictures, watching the crowd,
     We almost saw a triple play.  We watched people drink $8.50 beers and wondered how they can afford three or four beers at a game.
     We listened as the bleacher fans chanted back and forth to each other.  Obviously, the both can't suck, so one of them is wrong.
     I smelled the ball park.  The spilt beer, the gamey trough bathrooms, the dogs cooking, burgers sizzling.  All that was missing was the cigar smell that I remembered from my youth.
     No Frosty Malts today.  Hot chocolate was a big seller.
     In the end, no W flag flying, no Steve Goodman song, and  no happy ending.
     But a day at Wrigley is priceless.  Regardless of the outcome.

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